Jesus welcomed the people, taught them about the Kingdom of God and healed those in need. Luke 9:11
I have never felt God so tangible as He was to me in those two a father who loves us unconditionally. His love is so freeing and so real!.... Read More...

Seeds of the Kingdom

Listen and You Will Find Life

by Joan Rono

17 January 2014

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“For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways,” declares the LORD.
Isaiah 55:8, NIV

As we start into the new year it’s very easy to set up plans for goals we want to achieve. Many write down resolutions that they plan to keep as they start the year, but lose the strength to carry on with what they’d set their minds to do.

Jesus said that you don’t know where the wind comes from and where it’s going, and so it is for those who are led by the Spirit. We need to let God take charge of our lives and lead us to where He wants us to go. God is inviting us to agree with His plans and purposes for our lives instead of ours.

Isaiah 55 is an invitation for all to come and listen to God. It’s a choice. By coming we will enjoy the finest of food. When we turn to Him, there’s always a promise of something better to come, no matter where we are, no matter what the situation we’re in.
The Lord calls to us to come with open ears to Him, to seek Him and change our ways.
Why? The word says that ‘His thoughts are higher than our thoughts and His ways higher than our ways’ (Isaiah 55:8). He knows what’s best for us.

This doesn’t mean that our lives will be easy, but it means that, when we come to Him and align ourselves with His will, plans and purpose, then His Word will come, and accomplish the purpose which He sent it for. His Word always produces fruit! That’s how faithful His Word is! In the end of the chapter, there’s a promise of joy and peace; a promise of situations being transformed (instead of thorns, cypress tree will grow, and where nettles were cypress will spring up).

I love the last verse because, when we’re surrendered to God’s perfect will, we go through the hardship and come out joyfully the other side. But more than that GOD IS GLORIFIED. The events in our lives, no matter how hard they are, will lead to God’s Glory, and people will see and understand His power and love. Trust Him. He knows what’s best for you.

Prayer: Lord Jesus, I thank You that the plans You have for me are for good and not for evil, and they are to give me a future and hope. I can trust Your Word and promise in my life. Please take my plans for this year. I lay them down and ask You to speak to my heart. My ears are open to listen and know what You would like me to do. May Your Word produce fruit in my life. Amen.

Joan Rono has been involved with Ellel ministries since 2008,working at Ellel grange for 5 years before moving to Ellel Blairmore in 2013 to work as hospitality coordinator. Having walked the Healing Journey, Joan has a passion to see others healed and transformed. She also has a passion to see young people walk in purity and holiness. She enjoys walking and reading in her spare time.


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