Jesus welcomed the people, taught them about the Kingdom of God and healed those in need. Luke 9:11
I have received so much healing in the three courses that I have been to. Gilbula, just outside of Sydney, is such a special place where it's easy to feel like you have "come home" and the teaching, fellowship and the amazing meals recharge your spirit. I.... Read More...

Seeds of the Kingdom


by Mary-Lou Gregoire

And the seventy returned with joy, saying, “Lord, even the demons are subject to us in Your name.” And He said to them, “I was watching Satan fall from heaven like lightning.”
Luke 10:17-18, NASB

For Christmas I was given a calendar which has beautiful pictures of lightning. As I looked through the pictures I began to think about how lightning is very beautiful, powerful, quick and potentially destructive. It’s an awesome sight to see lightning fork out across the sky and even reach down to earth. Just the other night we had a thunder storm. It didn’t last very long, but the lightning was spectacular. As I was watching it I became aware that I was a little fearful, but also excited, as the big flashes streaked across the dark sky. My eyes kept scanning the sky in anticipation of the next flash. When would it come, and how big would it be? I remember as a little girl how I’d had the same feeling in thunder storms, fearful of the thunder but excited by the lightning. There were many nights spent in the security of my dad’s arms, watching the lightning, as well as being protected from the thunder.

As I’ve been reminded about these things, today’s verse kept coming to mind. The beginning of Luke 10 is about Jesus sending out the seventy disciples into all the places where He Himself was going to go. He sends them out as humble lambs amongst wolves, to heal the sick, but not to stay in any city that doesn’t welcome them. Then we come to verse 17, and the disciples returning full of joy for all that they’ve been able to do. I can see Jesus sitting there with them gathered round Him, all talking at the same time, sharing stories of what they’d done in His name. It must have been an amazing time for the disciples, as well as for Jesus, as He sat patiently listening to each one. Perhaps He had a glint in His eye and a knowing smile on His face, as He took in the excitement. I like to think He did! And then He calmly says “I was watching Satan fall from heaven like lightning”. Wow! What a great image that gives! As the disciples proclaimed the Kingdom of God and healed in His name, Jesus was watching a lightning display.

I’ve found that when it comes to matters concerning the enemy people start to get excited, nervous, edgy or scared. Our main focus as believers is to seek first God’s Kingdom, and be excited that our our names are written in the book of life. But we also have to recognise that we have an enemy who seeks to separate us from God. This enemy is a dirty player who whispers lies and deception. His desire is to keep us from fully walking in the truth of God. He wants what belongs to God, and so does all he can to achieve his goal.

The good news is that, when we do seek after God and daily walk rightly with Him, and when we choose His ways above our way, allowing Him into the secret innermost parts of our lives, something amazing happens. The consequence of this kind of living is that we’re given all power and authority over the enemy from Jesus. This is an amazing truth. The closer we walk with Jesus, the more we’re able to evict the enemy from our lives. So the things which seem scary to us now become things of beauty in the future. So let’s commit ourselves afresh today to seeking after God and His righteousness, and be in the business of creating lightning displays of our own.

Prayer: Father today I recognise that there are areas of my life that aren’t totally surrendered to You. I’m sorry that I’ve been scared to allow You into these areas, and I ask for Your forgiveness. I choose today to seek You above all things, and to walk in Your paths of righteousness. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

Mary-Lou Gregoire Has worked full time for Ellel Ministries at Glyndley Manor since 2011. Currently she enjoys the role of being the Ministry Manager as well as being part of the Teaching Team. Having walked a significant journey of healing from death into life her passion is to see Jesus “heal the broken hearted and bind up their wounds”. In her spare time Mary-Lou enjoys Photography, growing vegetables, reading, playing the saxophone, being creative and walking with Henry her dog.


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