Jesus welcomed the people, taught them about the Kingdom of God and healed those in need. Luke 9:11
I have never felt God so tangible as He was to me in those two a father who loves us unconditionally. His love is so freeing and so real!.... Read More...

Seeds of the Kingdom

In God we trust

by John Berry

Some trust in chariots and some in horses, but we trust in the Name of the Lord our God.
Psalm 20:7, NIV

It’s very easy to get used to the infrastructure of society that surrounds us in the west, but what do we do when systems fail and things go wrong? When it snowed heavily in the UK recently, everything ground to a halt. Trains stopped, buses couldn’t even get started, airports closed, and millions of people took time off work and school to go outside and enjoy the snow. Some of our young team members from overseas were amazed at our inability to cope in the UK, as they come from countries very used to snowy weather.

I also had a further illustration of our dependence on ‘systems’ when one week the data projector froze in the middle of a worship session during a course, causing a few perplexed looks from some of the guests. The following week whilst taking a service in a local church the data projector would not even start, which required me to find new songs as the worship progressed as my ‘list’ was not in the available books - a bit of a challenge as I was also the only musician. The week after that the data projector in a church we were visiting abroad also froze, causing the abandonment of worship as there weren’t enough books to go round the large congregation. No comments please about my effect on technology!

All this reminds me of the utter dependability of God. When vehicles, machines, and people let us down, as they inevitably will during our lives, it’s so good to know that our Lord Jesus is totally unaffected by the corruption of this world. Furthermore He is intimately concerned to bring us rescue in the failures of life, as He restores us to proper functionality through His healing power.

So when your chariots, horses or data projectors break down next time, use the event to remind yourself of God’s unfailing love and faithfulness, and renew your trust in the name of the Lord our God.

Prayer: Thank you Lord for your utter faithfulness, that you are totally trustworthy and that nothing takes you by surprise. Help me never to lose sight of the fact that your love transcends all difficulties and that in You we can overcome. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.

John Berry entered the Baptist Ministry more than 40 years ago, and joined the Team at Ellel Glyndley Manor in 2007 with his wife Jennie. They have both now retired from the team but remain as part of the Teaching and Associate Ministry Teams at Glyndley. John and Jennie have seven Grandchildren.


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