Jesus welcomed the people, taught them about the Kingdom of God and healed those in need. Luke 9:11
God has revealed many times in my life where past hurts have caused behaviours and patterns, which have been detrimental to me. He has put on my heart to draw close to Him and bring others to Him also. .... Read More...

Seeds of the Kingdom

God is True to His Word

by David Raggett

No word from God will ever fail.
Luke 1:37, NIV

There will have been many times that we’ve been disappointed when people have failed to keep their word. Promises made and not fulfilled can cause us pain and sadness. God however, cannot fail to keep and honour His word and His promises. His word is true, and we can utterly depend upon it, though perhaps we’ve wondered at times if that is really the case.

Four times in Luke chapter 1, the truth is stated that God is true to His word and that He keeps His promises. In verse 20, Zechariah is told by the angel Gabriel that his words from God: ‘will come true at their appointed time’. Yes, sometimes we have to wait – perhaps many months or even years, before God acts upon His word or gives to us what He has promised. Zechariah was silenced from speaking out negative words in unbelief. We, at times, would be better not to say anything, but just simply wait expectantly – however long – for God to fulfil His word.

God is the God of the impossible, isn’t He? Mary is told by the angel Gabriel that she will conceive miraculously, through the Holy Spirit, and is assured in verse 37 that ‘no word from God will ever fail!’ Do we believe that? Mary did, and said: “May Your word to me be fulfilled.” What simple trust she showed! What great faith she expressed, in spite of her questioning and amazement! Can we trust God to fulfil His word? Yes of course we can, because His word is truth, as Jesus declared in John 17:17.

Elizabeth, moved by the Holy Spirit, affirms Mary’s simple trust in God and His word. In verse 45 she declares: “Blessed is she who has believed that the Lord would fulfil His promises to her.” We too will be blessed when we put our confidence and faith in all God has said in His word, because He cannot fail to be true to His word.

Mary truly was blessed, enriched and touched by God in a powerful way. She rejoices in God her Saviour and speaks of the faithfulness, mercy and goodness of God in verses 46-55. At the climax of her praise she asserts that God is faithful to His word; that His blessings flow down through generations, just as He promised.

So can we trust His word and depend on His promises? Has God made a promise to you, which you are waiting for Him to fulfil? How much blessing we will miss if we are marked by doubt and unbelief! Our voices too will be impeded from declaring His faithfulness and the truth of His word. So let’s have faith and take God at His word, for ‘no word from Him will ever fail’.

Prayer: Lord, thank You that we can depend on Your word. Help us, Lord, to simply trust You and prove Your faithfulness. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

David Raggett has been on the Associate Ministry Team at Ellel Grange for the past seven years. Previously he was in full time Christian ministry involved in preaching, teaching and children's ministry across the UK and in Zambia. His great desire is to see people set free, healed and knowing who they are in Christ.


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