Jesus welcomed the people, taught them about the Kingdom of God and healed those in need. Luke 9:11
God has shown me His love. That He truly cares for me and wants the very best for me. He has forgiven me for how I have been feeling towards Him and others. Forgiving the people who have hurt me is so freeing!.... Read More...

Seeds of the Kingdom

Getting Your Second Wind

by Wendy Scott

17 September 2023

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Let us throw off everything that hinders and the sin that so easily entangles. And let us run the race marked out for us, fixing our eyes on Jesus.
Hebrews 12:1-3, NIV

Long distance runners talk about getting into their second wind at a certain point in their races. When this is achieved, the runners experience a sudden new surge of energy that seems to carry them further and faster than they had thought possible only minutes previously. However, the period of time leading up to this second wind, is one of struggle, where they wonder if they will be able to finish the race at all. The secret is to push through the pain until there is the breakthrough into the second wind.

In South Africa, we have the famous ‘Comrades Marathon’, in which athletes from all over the world participate. When we are watching the race on television, we can see all the different experiences of the runners at the various points in the race. Some athletes grimace in pain, while still pushing on. Others fall by the wayside, as they feel that they cannot take another step. The initial fitness of the athletes correlates with their ability to persevere, although some unexpected traumas occur that can sabotage even the fittest runners.

The most touching aspect of the race is reflected in the name of the event – ‘The Comrades Marathon’. This is when athletes are nearing the finish line, but are battling to continue. Time and time again, other runners slow their own pace to assist these ‘comrades in arms’.  We see arms flung around shoulders, with the stronger ones supporting and almost carrying those who have depleted their resources, so that both may finish the race. What a testament of brotherly love this is to the world!

Similarly, we all have to run the race of life. It demands fitness, perseverance and determination, as well as the support of others. There are times when we feel that we will not make it, and we need others to encourage and help us along the way. At other times, we push through personally to gain our second wind.

What does gaining our second wind look like spiritually? It involves fixing our eyes on the runner ahead of us – Jesus – and following in His footsteps, knowing that we can make it if we just keep looking ahead. It involves sacrificing our own comfort and accepting the pain of self-denial, so that we can forge ahead. Then, just as we think we cannot take another step, the grace of God descends upon us and we find ourselves keeping pace with Jesus. The anointing of the Holy Spirit refreshes and energises us; and we know that He is carrying us by His supernatural strength. What an awesome experience which is available to all of us! However, we need to enter the race and persevere until it happens.

Wendy Scott Wendy and her husband Eric have been involved in Ellel Kwazulu-Natal, South Africa, since 2016 when they attended the Prayer Ministry Courses and experienced amazing breakthrough at a Healing Retreat. Thereafter they both completed the Modular School. Wendy is currently an associate member of the Ellel KZN team. She is a passionate teacher both by profession and inclination. Her heart is to teach and minister to bring God`s supernatural healing to a hurting world.


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