Jesus welcomed the people, taught them about the Kingdom of God and healed those in need. Luke 9:11
I felt like my heart was literally being put back together and broken pieces were being sealed back together. It was an unforgettable experience that changed my life forever!.... Read More...

Seeds of the Kingdom

From Stormy to Peaceful in an Instant!

by Andy Taylor

23 September 2008

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Then they were eager to let him in, and immediately the boat arrived at their destination!
John 6:21, NLT

Imagine the scene, the disciples had just had a busy day with Jesus (feeding 5,000 people!) and were waiting for Him at the shore of the Sea of Galilee. Darkness was falling and there was still no sign of Jesus, so the disciples got into their boat and headed out across the lake towards Capernaum.

Before long a strong wind was blowing and the waters were very rough. It was then that Jesus appeared to His disciples – walking on the water. Their standard response followed – terror! But Jesus called out that it was Him. At hearing this, the disciples were eager to let Him into their boat and immediately they arrived at its destination.

The Greek word used to describe how they immediately arrived at their destination is the same word used to describe the miracles of healing that Jesus did – the man with leprosy in Matthew 8, the woman with the issue of blood in Mark 5, the deaf and dumb man in Mark 7. It was a dramatic change from one moment to the next. In an instant the disciples were taken from a place of darkness, turmoil and storm to their destination - a place where they could secure the boat and find refuge from the storm. This happened the moment they welcomed Jesus into their boat.

You may feel that you are in the middle of a storm. It might feel as though you will never escape it – that all your energy has gone. The truth is that Jesus will come to you and, when the time is right, is able to take you from that place of turmoil and darkness to a place of peace in an instant.

Prayer: Thank you Jesus that your presence always transforms every situation. Help me to trust you in the storms of life, knowing that you are sufficient for every need. In Jesus, Amen

Andy Taylor is Director of Ellel Grange, UK National Director and is a member of the Executive Leadership of Ellel Ministries. He joined the team in 1991 and has served the Lord at Ellel Ministries centres in the UK, Australia and the USA. Andy is married to Cath and they have three boys.


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