Jesus welcomed the people, taught them about the Kingdom of God and healed those in need. Luke 9:11
Before the weekend I was completely unable to accept a part of the Lordship prayer where we acknowledge the Lord's control over "the manner and timing of my death". I needed or wanted an "out", to be able to control this for myself..... Read More...

Seeds of the Kingdom

Faithful God

by Goran Andersson

20 February 2014

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The Lord is faithful to all his promises, and loving towards all He has made.
Psalm 145:13, NIV

This is a breathtaking statement! When we consider the many promises given in His word to mankind, to Israel, to various nations and groups of people, to the Church, and to individuals, it`s staggering to think that not one of them will end up forgotten or ever be revoked.

There are many people who can testify to the truth of this statement. Moses testified to heavens and earth `He is the Rock, His works are perfect… a faithful God who does no wrong…` after a hundred and twenty years of walking with the Lord in very challenging, changing and gruelling circumstances (Deuteronomy 32:4). And the author of Hebrews says `…He who promised is faithful` (Hebrews 10:23).

The faithlessness of His people, their sins, their falling away and walking astray have never changed His heart. He`s as faithful as ever. He was faithful to David when David fled for his life. He was faithful to the three men in the fiery furnace. He was faithful to the frightened disciples in a shaky boat on a stormy sea. And He was faithful to the ten lepers believing His word that they would be healed. And He`s faithful to you.

Your situation today is probably unique. No one has ever been in exactly the same circumstances, faced your situation, been tested like you, or had the opportunities you have today. But what you`re meeting today doesn`t take God by surprise. This day of your life was written in His book long ago. He prepared, ahead of time, the works which you can choose to do today. Whatever you`ll come up against today – remember your God is faithful to all His promises. You needn`t worry, but you need to learn to trust Him.

How can He be so faithful, in spite of what we are and what we`ve done? The answer is simple, and staggering. `The Lord is loving towards all He has made`. He loves you. That`s the only reason - and that`s enough!

Prayer: Thank you Lord for your unchanging love, that I can depend on you in all circumstances and can trust your wonderful promises. In Jesus` name. Amen.

Goran Andersson , together with his wife Roswitha, worked as missionaries in Japan from 1967 – 1985. They then pastored a church before moving to Kåfalla Herrgård, Sweden where Goran became Director. They have worked with Ellel Ministries since 2004 and are now part of the team of Ellel Ministries in Sweden.


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