Jesus welcomed the people, taught them about the Kingdom of God and healed those in need. Luke 9:11
God has revealed many times in my life where past hurts have caused behaviours and patterns, which have been detrimental to me. He has put on my heart to draw close to Him and bring others to Him also. .... Read More...

Seeds of the Kingdom

Dust Clouds and Whirlwinds

by Paul Lawrence

16 January 2013

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…His way is in the whirlwind and the storm, and clouds are the dust of his feet.
Nahum 1:3b, NIV

We often read about the Lord meeting Elijah in the cave (1 Kings 19:9). When He met Elijah in the cave it was not in a strong wind, earthquake or fire, but He did appear in a gentle sound. Yet sometimes when there are storms in our life and things seem to go against us we end up blaming the enemy and saying everyone is against us. We start to pray harder, bind down the enemy and really get down to some very strong warfare. But perhaps there’s another reason for the storm. Perhaps the boat is rocking because the Lord is on the move in your life. Nahum 1:3b says: ‘Where the Lord goes, there are whirlwinds and storms and the clouds are dust beneath his feet’.

Sometimes we need to take a fresh look at the situation around us and think: ‘Are you moving me on Lord? Is it time to fly the nest?’ Perhaps the Lord isn’t coming in the gentle whisper, but in a great whirlwind and storm in our lives; He’s on the move and wants us to move with him. We need to start looking to see if we’re holding on to things for the wrong reasons and start asking questions; tough questions like: ‘What am I using to anchor myself down with to stop the Lord from sweeping me up into His plans and purposes?’ We may tend to hold on to these things during a storm and blame the enemy for the whirlwind around us.

I once had a situation when the Holy Spirit whispered to me about something I needed to do. It was part of His plan for me life. I ignored it and hoped the request would go away. It did!! However, a few years later the Lord appeared to me in a whirlwind and confronted me, and I knew I needed to deal with it if the whirlwind was to stop. I did deal with it right there and then. I felt I’d been like Jonah running from the Lord, but I was glad when I finally listened. ‘So they picked up Jonah and threw him into the sea, and the sea became calm’ (Jonah 1:15).

If there is a storm in your life right now ask the Lord. ‘Is it you Lord? Speak, Lord your servant is listening.’ The Lord is on the move, dust clouds are being whipped up, don’t be left out. March on with Him.

Prayer: Heavenly Father, I am here today in a storm. If You’re saying something to me in this please have Your way. Give me the courage and the faith to follow You and be in Your plans for my life. I want to move on with You with the plans You have for me. Amen.

Paul Lawrence is the Centre Director at Ellel Grange, UK and is married to Anne, who is the Deputy Centre Director for the Grange. He has lived in Africa for over 20 years and China for 5 years. His passion is to see the Lord do bigger and greater things in peoples lives that they cannot do on their own, not just in healings but also in the fun things of life. His belief is that nothing is ever big enough and as a team we can achieve anything if the Lord is at the centre.


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