Comparing Ourselves
by Jim Person
Recently I spent some time in the woods around our centre in Hungary spending time talking with God. As I prayed I sensed the Lord gently correcting me, because I was comparing myself with others. I then realized I was taking for granted what I had been given by the Lord, and in doing so was inadvertently despising my own unique gifting and abilities.
Many of us do the same, yet God has uniquely given each of us abilities and gifting that we alone can excel in. So why do we look at what He's doing in the lives of others and say 'if I could only be like that' or 'why can't I be used by the Lord in that way?'
Sadly, it's in our fallen human nature to want to compare ourselves with others, and the fruit of that can be discord, envy, jealousy, and even rage, that can then lead us into disappointment and discouragement.
Moses had a similar problem believing in his own abilities, when God commissioned him to lead the Israelites out of Egypt. He said, 'Who am I, that I should go to Pharaoh and bring the Israelites out of Egypt'(Exodus 3:11)?
The Lord has made each of us with specific talents and has given us just the right gifting for us to be all He has designed us to become. God does nothing sparingly or inadequately. He lavished His creative genius upon us all! So today let's be encouraged and not regret who we are, but rejoice that He made us to excel and finish the race set before us.
Prayer: My Lord and Saviour, help me to not compare myself with others but to rest in the security of Your love. Help me to really see what You have done in my life and begin trusting in Your grace to be my sufficiency. Help me to not compare myself with my neighbour or grumble about my perceived lack of abilities. I want to look to You and see myself as You see me. Help me Lord to do this always. Amen.
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