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I have never felt God so tangible as He was to me in those two a father who loves us unconditionally. His love is so freeing and so real!.... Read More...

Seeds of the Kingdom

Being still

by Sue Wright

16 October 2012

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Be still, and know that I am God.
Psalm 46:10, NIV

Sometimes we have seasons in life where we are in ‘pause mode’. It may be a period of illness, unemployment, change of circumstance or even our own decision to stop and take stock. In our church prayer meeting one evening I realised there were a few people in this situation. Even the house groups have been closed down for a month in order to re-assess, retrain leaders and pray about the direction they go when they restart. One of our friends, a pillar of the church, has laid down all her responsibilities in order to listen to what God is saying to her. She felt that God had showed her that she was doing all the church work for the wrong reasons, and she is now on a challenging but exciting personal journey with God. When the time is right to restart she will be in a very different place spiritually.

The verse today comes in the middle of talk about war, earthquakes, floods and general desolation – all very frightening. Being still in the midst of turmoil, either literally, spiritually or emotionally can be a real challenge, but God invites us to trust Him, and He is our ‘ever present help in trouble’ (Psalm 46:1). It is often only in the stillness, the emptiness or the pain that God reveals Himself to us. These are the times when we fall back on God and cry out to hear Him and know His presence. We may not always get immediate answers but we are told He is always the same, He never changes, and looks at us with love and compassion.

The opposite of being still is being active. When life is going well, when we are busy and think we are really moving forward, we can fall into the trap of doing things for God in our own strength, even without realising. Whilst we might be very gifted in an area, and God has indeed given us that gift, it is still important to dedicate ourselves every day to God – body, soul and spirit – and ask Him to use us as He wishes. We have the free will to do this and God will honour us for it.

Prayer: Dear Lord, Thank You for loving me whatever my circumstances are. Please help me to rest in You and to be in a place where I can hear Your voice deep within my spirit. I dedicate myself to You today with everything I have and am, and ask You to take me and use me as You see best. Amen.

Sue Wright is married with a son at University and three grown up stepdaughters. She has a heart to see people being set free through healing and discipleship. She and her husband Andrew are Team Pastors at Ellel Grange, UK. In her spare time she enjoys walking, cycling, gardening and music.


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