Jesus welcomed the people, taught them about the Kingdom of God and healed those in need. Luke 9:11
God has shown me His love. That He truly cares for me and wants the very best for me. He has forgiven me for how I have been feeling towards Him and others. Forgiving the people who have hurt me is so freeing!.... Read More...

Seeds of the Kingdom

Being Obedient

by Annalene Holtzhausen

Has the Lord as great a delight in burnt offerings and sacrifices as in obedience to the voice of the Lord? Behold, to obey is better than sacrifice, and to heed [is better] than the fat of rams.
1 Samuel 15:22, AMP

Recently I decided to make an appointment to see the dentist, as I’ve been struggling with a small problem for quite a few months already. The reason I didn’t seek help sooner, is because it isn’t painful. Needless to say, he referred me to a dental surgeon, and once again I’ve taken a while to make the appointment, as it really isn’t something I’m looking forward to. My mind is telling me that it really isn’t sore. So, why should I go? But a few days ago, I admitted that I was being stubborn and irresponsible. So, I’ll be seeing the dental surgeon within the next few weeks.

In my quiet time a few days ago, I felt a conviction in my spirit that I was harbouring an ungodly attitude which the Lord would like to change. Once again, the thought came to me that it really wasn’t so bad. But that thought wasn’t from the Lord. I realise it’s been a pathway of wrong thinking which has brought me to where I am. Even though it comes from a place of hurt, I needed to confess, repent and ask forgiveness for my part in this.

The Lord wants to heal my hurting places, but He can’t do it if I don’t bring the wounding before Him. I know it’s going to take a definite choice on my part to change my way of thinking and reacting to certain situations. I can’t do it on my own, and, thankfully, don’t have to, but I still have a responsibility for my thoughts and actions. Just as I have my part to play in seeing to my dental problem, so I have my part to do in my walk with the Lord.

This made me realise how easy it is to just ignore something when it isn’t a huge problem. When a crisis hits me, I react immediately and try to find a solution. I’m also quick to run to the Lord and confess my sin when I know for a fact that I did something out of His will and maybe hurt others in the process. But the Word of God also warns us, ‘And if you do not do well [but ignore My instruction], sin crouches at your door; its desire is for you [to overpower you], but you must master it’ (Genesis 4:7b). So, if I choose to continue with an ungodly attitude, the enemy will use it to draw me further away from the Lord, and it will only get worse.

To grow in my relationship with the Lord, I need to spend time with Him and be obedient to His ways. This isn’t about being legalistic, but about being under the safety of God’s covering and obeying because I love Him. If my desire is to live in the fullness of all He has in store for me, I can’t expect it to happen if I wilfully disobey His voice and promptings in my life. The Bible says, ‘How abundant are the good things that You have stored up for those who fear You, that You bestow in the sight of all, on those who take refuge in You’ (Psalm 31:19).

Prayer: Dear Lord, I’m so sorry for hardening my heart to Your promptings in my life. Please forgive me. I choose to repent of harbouring any sin in my life and nurturing it with wrong thoughts. Help me to walk in Your ways and to turn from things that are not of You. Help me to set my mind on things of heaven and not on worldly things, so I can live and breathe from this place of blessing in You. Amen.

Annalene Holtzhausen is on the Associate Team at Ellel, Africa. She is married to Renier, who introduced her to Ellel Ministries. She is a full-time mother to their two boys. Her passion is for the restoration of women’s hearts and for people to find their worth in the Lord.


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