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Seeds of the Kingdom

Be Bound for Glory

by Malcolm Wood

13 February 2017

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Let heaven fill your thoughts. Do not think only about things down here on earth.
Colossians 3:2, NLT

There is a TV advertisement for one of our major train companies running in the UK at the moment which features a young man who travels (by train) to meet his girlfriend’s family for the first time. During his visit he does all he can to make a good impression. He returns home very content and satisfied in the knowledge his visit had been successful. The advert finishes with the phrase ‘Be bound for glory’.

We are all on a journey, the journey of life, but how many of us are sure of our destination? The majority of people consider that either the grave or the crematorium will be their ultimate destination. Christians have a different view and believe that, although our bodies will die, there is a part of us that will live on, an eternal part of us, known as our spirit. The Bible explains that, if we have accepted what Jesus did for us on Calvary and appropriated it for ourselves, and dedicated our lives to Him, then the final destination for us is with Him in heaven in the very presence of God. We often refer to this as ‘glory’. So we are indeed on our way to glory.

The apostle Paul could say with all confidence ‘when we die and leave these bodies – we will have a home in heaven’ (2 Corinthians 5: 1). Before Jesus left this earth He said that He was returning to heaven to prepare a place for us (John 14:2). This reassures us that we are expected in heaven, and that there is a place for us. Peter also tells us that, as we faithfully continue to serve the Lord, and as we out work our salvation in our lives day by day, there is a wonderful welcome awaiting us in heaven. ‘God will open wide the gates of heaven for you to enter into the eternal Kingdom of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ’ (2 Peter 1:11). Let’s not miss out on what is referred to in the authorised version as an ‘abundant entrance’.

Two of the several meanings of the word ‘bound’, as given in the dictionary, are 1) ‘certain’, or ‘extremely likely to happen’, and 2) ‘going to, as on a journey’. So, as Christians, we can say with full assurance that we are indeed bound for glory! An old favourite gospel hymn puts it like this:

When by the gift of His infinite grace
I am accorded in heaven a place
Just to be there and to look on his face
Will through the ages be glory for me.
(Charles H. Gabriel 1900)

Prayer: Dear Lord, thank You for making it possible for me to look forward to heaven. Please help me to live my life in the reality and full assurance of this being my ultimate destination. Amen.

Malcolm Wood and his wife Anna became part of the Ellel family as House Managers at Ellel Grange in 1990. Since then they have been involved with many aspects of the developing Ministry. From 2001 until 2015 they were Directors of Ellel Scotland where they hosted several International Schools and Operation Blairmore and helped pioneer the exciting Creative Inspiration Weeks. They have three sons.


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