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Seeds of the Kingdom

Balanced Diet

by Joan Rono

All Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness, so that the servant of God may be thoroughly equipped for every good work.
2 Timothy 3:16, NIV

Recently a couple of my colleagues and I went out for the day, and had a buffet lunch before going shopping. When we got to the buffet we found a variety of choices. I don’t like cucumbers, so I automatically avoided them, and a few other things which didn’t appeal to me, and went on to try the rest. What I picked out wasn’t necessarily healthy food. I chose food that I liked the taste of, and which looked good.

Afterwards, while reading Scripture, God started showing me how the same principle applies to our spirit. The Scripture is a buffet where we get to choose what we want on our plate. But sometimes, in choosing, we might forget to choose a healthy balanced diet.

When Jesus rebuked the Pharisees, it wasn’t because they didn’t know the Word of God. It was because they chose to obey and insist on some parts, but ignored other, important parts. In their case, they expounded on the laws of Moses, trying not to break any of the laws, but they totally missed the heart of God, and the passion which inspired those laws to be laid down.

The Scripture speaks of the last days when people will choose to be lawless. They’ll disregard holiness and righteousness and choose to be fed on stuff that pleases their itching ears. But we can’t throw away correction, rebuke, and the truth that teaches us to learn obedience.

In these last days truth has been thrown out, and more and more people are choosing Scripture to suit themselves. Lawlessness and deception are trying to trample over God’s truth and righteousness! It’s become a ‘pick and choose’ game. An attitude which is prevalent is ‘If I don’t like this truth, I won’t obey it’. It’s not only in the world, but in the Church as well.

We can’t pick and choose when it comes to God’s word. We need to come to a place where every single word that God has spoken is good for us. We need to have a correct balance of truth and grace!

If we only want to listen to things about grace, and we disregard truth, then we’re deceived and we’re leaning towards lawlessness. On the other hand, if we just listen to truth without applying grace, then we’re like the Pharisees, lacking in their understanding on love and compassion.

We can’t overlook God’s love and grace when it comes to His laws and commands. That love and grace is what’s compelled Him to give us laws, commands and guidelines, so we can stay under His covering and protection.

So as we approach the Word of God we need to ask ourselves, “Am I Having a balanced diet? Do I appreciate correction as well as acceptance? Do I appreciate rebuke as well as love, and truth as well as grace?”

Prayer: Lord Jesus, teach me to obey all of Your Word, and to know that Your Word is truth. May I not only bring encouragement, but correction and rebuke as well. Help me to understand Your love and grace, which bring this truth to my heart. Amen.

Joan Rono has been involved with Ellel ministries since 2008,working at Ellel grange for 5 years before moving to Ellel Blairmore in 2013 to work as hospitality coordinator. Having walked the Healing Journey, Joan has a passion to see others healed and transformed. She also has a passion to see young people walk in purity and holiness. She enjoys walking and reading in her spare time.


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