Jesus welcomed the people, taught them about the Kingdom of God and healed those in need. Luke 9:11
God has revealed many times in my life where past hurts have caused behaviours and patterns, which have been detrimental to me. He has put on my heart to draw close to Him and bring others to Him also. .... Read More...

Seeds of the Kingdom

At Your Word, Lord

by Alistair Petrie

21 February 2009

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Master, we've worked hard all night and haven't caught anything. But because You say so, I will let down the nets.
Luke 5:6, NIV

Life can be so frustrating at times. We work hard, but often seem to see very little return from our labour. In fact, we often get into a cycle of life that goes like this....we go to work, to earn the money, to buy the bread, to get the strength, to go to work...and so on! Life has to have more meaning than that!

Suddenly Jesus interrupts the cycle of life for Peter who is a professional in his line of work. He knows the seasons - the tides - the ways of the fish. He knows the ebb and flow of the real world - or so he thinks! In Luke 5, Jesus literally requests something that goes completely against a fisherman's common sense. Why should he cast nets in broad daylight? Besides, there are no fish in there, Lord! We've worked hard all night - and we have nothing to show for our labour! But something happens!

For Peter, it was not his knowledge, his experience, or even his skills that counted, but rather an encounter with the Lord Himself - and the word that Jesus gave Peter that day became binding in his entire being, even if he did not understand it from human experience. Peter's reply was significant for his own being - and for us. "Because you say so (at Your Word) - I will be obedient." Suddenly, the net burst with the fruit of obedience - even to the point that others had to come and help with this extraordinary catch - a sign of the authority Jesus had over the land, the sea, and the heavens. Extraordinary! Incredible!

No matter what giants may face us and no matter how futile it may appear to go against the tides of life, it is then in our weakness that God's strength is made perfect. In the midst of impossibility, Jesus loves to intervene, and show the urgency and magnificence in believing and responding to His Word - especially when things look hopeless and we just want to give up. Simply put, if we dare to believe in the midst of impossibility and uncertainty, and express obedience to His will, then His call to us will unveil the miraculous, but only after we are obedient to His Word. It is when we dare to uphold and obey the commandments of God, and not be intimidated by the signs of the times, that Jesus will prove His might! It was true for Peter - and it will be true for you and me, no matter what we are going through at this very moment.

Prayer: Father, I acknowledge that there are times when I wonder if You will ever show up! Forgive me when I depend more on my human logic than on Your Word! You know what I am going through at this very moment. You are the God of the impossible and today I choose once again to trust You with all my heart and to lean into Your understanding of what I am going through. At Your Word, Lord, I am ready to try once again and ‘to let down the nets’ and wait for the catch. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

Alistair Petrie is an International Adviser to Ellel Ministries and one of the speakers at the forthcoming ARISE! Conference at Blackpool. (see the Ellel Ministries website or the link on this page for more information). He is a world-renowned speaker who has spent over 20 years studying how individuals and communities can overcome the work of the enemy and enter into their corporate identity and destiny in Christ.


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