Jesus welcomed the people, taught them about the Kingdom of God and healed those in need. Luke 9:11
I felt like my heart was literally being put back together and broken pieces were being sealed back together. It was an unforgettable experience that changed my life forever!.... Read More...

Seeds of the Kingdom

At Easter Time

by Ann White

Suddenly, their eyes were opened, and they recognised him.
Luke 24:31, NLT

What a glorious time Easter can be. In the UK we look forward to the beautiful freshness of Spring ahead of us. From the first delicate flourish of snowdrops to the incredible colours of tulips and the blazing array of daffodils.

It was Good Friday many years ago when I first encountered my Jesus, my Saviour. For an eight-year old child this included the delightful smell of toasted hot cross buns, songs and stories of Jesus' death and resurrection.

All my senses were engaged in processing information as the Scriptures were explained at a level I could understand. I was enjoying an Easter workshop run by a small group of young Christian musicians. I don't know who they were but God had sent them to my little Methodist Church to talk to me and my friends.

They taught us new songs led by guitars (something rarely experienced before in my church in the 1960s). We sang with gusto, played games, ate buns and even took home three daffodils for mum tied with a ribbon. It was an amazing adventure for an impressionable child, and I have no doubt looking back that God really did want my attention.

It was the first time I’d asked, in a simple way, for forgiveness for the things I’d done wrong, and thanked God for dying on the cross so I could be set free. I trusted and invited Jesus to be with me forever.

Romans 10:9-10 confirms that if we confess that Jesus is Lord and believe in our heart that He was raised from the dead, then we will be saved. I believe that my uncomplicated prayer really did change my young life, and set a firm foundation for my future. Proverbs 22:6 tells us ‘Direct your children on to the right path and when they are older, they will not leave it’.

I'm a good deal older now and Easter thoughts and celebrations have continued to be both overwhelming and challenging as I’m reminded each year of the enormity of the sacrifice He made for me.

To know Jesus through a child’s eyes has been a very precious experience for me, and I’m grateful for all those who played a part in my understanding of Him. Now, as an adult, I’m still getting to know Him more as my loving heavenly Father - to walk with Him quietly - to really enjoy His creation, and more importantly 'just to be'.

It’s so important to regularly be thankful for those who opened up the Scriptures to us, and pray that Jesus will continue to reveal Himself to us more, as we study the Bible and break bread together.

Prayer: Father God, please help us this Easter time to surrender afresh to You. As we open up the Scriptures and experience Your presence, guide us in seeing and hearing what You’re saying to us. Lord, we really do need You today and for evermore. Amen.

Ann White Following a career in NHS Management, Ann is now serving the Lord as an Associate member of the Ministry Team at Ellel Grange. Along with her husband Andrew she has hosted the 9 week Flagship Programme. She has a heart for marriage ministry and is committed to intercessory prayer. At home she enjoys spending quality time with family and is serving as a Director at her home church.


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