Jesus welcomed the people, taught them about the Kingdom of God and healed those in need. Luke 9:11

Entrusted: Fathered by God

“The primary story of God is finding men in whom he can entrust his power. The story of men is being entrusted with power and it bringing harm to themselves and those under their care.” - Dallas Willard

What will your story be men?

Most Christian men set off wanting to change the world! 
But then the realities of life start barrelling in like a raging river! Growing pressures; church responsibilities; professional burdens; relationship/marriage/family issues; financial stress; life’s tragedies! At the edge of our capacity to survive... all of our margins just evaporate. Many men find themselves barely hanging on - tired, disillusioned and emotionally bankrupt. How did we end up here! And more importantly, how will we find and remain on the narrow road that leads us back to life?

We have questions, but no real answers. How do we become ‘sons’ who stay on the narrow road that leads to life?

What role does Father God play in our rescue? 


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