Jesus welcomed the people, taught them about the Kingdom of God and healed those in need. Luke 9:11
God has revealed many times in my life where past hurts have caused behaviours and patterns, which have been detrimental to me. He has put on my heart to draw close to Him and bring others to Him also. .... Read More...

Seeds of the Kingdom

When It’s Tough Going

by Gemma Gardner

18 December 2018

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Endure hardship as discipline; God is treating you as his children ... God disciplines us for our good, in order that we may share in his holiness. No discipline seems pleasant at the time, but painful. Later on, however, it produces a harvest of righteousness and peace for those who have been trained by it.
Hebrews 12:7-11, NLT

When my husband, Dean, and I moved to our new home, we were suddenly plunged into some problems that we had not anticipated. We found a leaking toilet and the boiler wouldn’t work, so there was no hot water or heating. The shower wouldn’t work, and we couldn’t wash our clothes because the washing machine couldn’t be plumbed in, because, although there was a space for it, there were no pipes.

We really found it hard in those first weeks. I kept thinking about the Israelites, when they were in the wilderness. They wanted to go back to Egypt, when they thought about the nice food they had there. They had forgotten about the awful cruelty and slavery they had suffered. I decided I would not complain. Nevertheless, some days I felt totally overwhelmed by it all, and I cried out to the Lord to help me have a right attitude. Dean worked tirelessly to sort out all the issues we were facing, praying to the Lord to guide us to the right people to help us. The Lord answered our cries. He sent us reliable workmen, an electrician and a plumber. We had a new toilet and shower fitted, and the washing machine was plumbed in. Last of all, the boiler issue was sorted, and we now have a warm home.

The above verses tell us to endure hardship as discipline. The Lord knows all our character flaws, and He uses the different issues we have to face in our lives to re-make us, so that we can become more like Jesus. It’s never easy when you are going through it, but the Scriptures can be a real source of comfort and encouragement while we are going through tough times, and it builds our faith and joy in the Lord as we see Him answering our specific prayers about the everyday situations we are facing.

When hard times come on us, there’s always a choice we have to make: will we grumble, or will we grow? We can look back now and thank the Lord. But doubtless, there will be hard times to face in the future. If the going is tough for you, know that the Lord is your Helper, and He will not let you be tested above what you are able to cope with.

Prayer: Lord, I pray for the grace to accept the things I cannot change, but grace to change those things that I can change. I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me. Thank You for being my helper. Amen.

Gemma Gardner lives in Norfolk with her husband, Dean, who until recently worked at Ellel Grange. They are both part of the Associate Ministry team which Gemma joined after completing the Modular school. Gemma has experienced the Lord`s healing and restoration over many years and longs to see Him healing other broken people. Gemma loves listening to music, cooking, knitting and crochet as well as outdoor exercise. She enjoys playing guitar and singing worship songs.


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