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I felt like my heart was literally being put back together and broken pieces were being sealed back together. It was an unforgettable experience that changed my life forever!.... Read More...

Seeds of the Kingdom

What Do I Reflect?


18 March 2025

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So all of us who have had that veil removed can see and reflect the glory of the Lord. And the Lord—who is the Spirit—makes us more and more like him as we are changed into his glorious image.
2 Corinthians 3:18, NLT

Recently I was looking at this scripture, and began to think back to when I was a young boy and I got my first bike. Bikes were really popular then, and the type we all had was called a ‘dragster’. These bikes had ribbons coming out of the handles on the handle bar, and a long seat with a high bar at the back. They came in bright colours and were the very best, the pinnacle, of all bikes at the time. One thing that we did was to fit reflectors on the spokes of the wheels. These were designed to reflect different colours when lights shone on them in the dark. They made the bike even more desirable to look at, and to ride.

As I was reflecting on this, and the scripture above, I began to think about my life, and the lives of other believers. The question I asked myself was “What do I reflect?”

It is an important question I believe we all need to ask. I began thinking that, if someone were to meet me, as a stranger, how long would it take that person to notice I was reflecting something different from those who do not have the light of Jesus in their life.

In the scripture above, it tells us that we are to become reflectors of the glory of our Lord Jesus, and that the more we get to know Him, and the more we are led by His Spirit, then the more we become like Him.

A little further on, Paul also points out that we are ambassadors of Christ, God makes His appeal through us, and we should be speakers on His behalf ((2 Corinthians 5:20).

These scriptures speak of being a reflector, of someone who is God’s representative here on this earth. They talk about someone who shows and demonstrates the very essence, character, and nature of who God is.

People are observers. When people look at each other, they observe what is being reflected. So, when they meet a believer, they see what is coming out of him or her. When people look at us, the Body of Christ, they look at how we speak, behave, and live our lives. They see if it is in accordance with God’s word and truth, and if we are the reflection and representation of who Jesus is.

The question is “What do we reflect, and how do we present ourselves to the world?” Our behaviour, attitudes, speech and the way we live our lives are important in showing and reflecting the true light of who Jesus is, in us and through us.

Where are you at today with being a reflector of Jesus? When people meet you, what will they see? Will they know that you are one of God’s children when they spend time with you?


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