Jesus welcomed the people, taught them about the Kingdom of God and healed those in need. Luke 9:11
I have never felt God so tangible as He was to me in those two a father who loves us unconditionally. His love is so freeing and so real!.... Read More...

Seeds of the Kingdom

Waiting for the Bridegroom

by Angela Weir

15 February 2010

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Then the kingdom of heaven shall be likened to ten virgins who took their lamps and went to meet the bridegroom. Five of them were foolish and five were wise.
Matthew 25:1-2, NIV

The first service of the New Year in our church was the Covenant service, when we remind ourselves of the vows we have made to our heavenly Bridegroom. Similar to the Lordship prayer we often pray at Ellel Grange, the Covenant prayer reminds us that we have promised to serve our Lord wholeheartedly, whether it is glamorous or not, whether it is costly or not and whether what He asks us to do is something we want to do or not. This is followed by Communion, reminding us that Jesus has kept His side of the bargain completely, and that He has fulfilled all the promises made to us through His sacrifice on the cross.

Last year, my husband and I celebrated our fortieth wedding anniversary. We had a wonderful party to celebrate and a blessing in church which brought back many happy memories. Our courting had been brief, and at a distance, so there were many phone calls to keep in touch and deepen our relationship.

Our courting with our heavenly Bridegroom has been much longer of course, though there are many signs which appear to be showing that all our waiting may soon come to an end. But how has the courting been? Have we been constantly “on the telephone” and really getting to know Jesus through His Word?

It’s still not too late to make New Year’s resolutions so maybe it’s time for some of us to make a fresh resolve to keep in better touch with our Bridegroom and to ensure we aren’t caught without the oil in our lamps.

Prayer: Lord Jesus, I don’t know when You are coming back, but I want to be ready for You when You do come. Please forgive me that I don’t spend enough time with You, and help me, through the power of Your Holy Spirit, to set aside more time to get to know You better. Amen.

Angela Weir has been associated with Ellel Ministries from the very beginning, first as an associate member of the ministry team and later as an associate teacher. She trained as an actress before moving to Cumbria, where she taught drama in a girls’ school. She now teaches and ministers at various Ellel Centres.


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