Jesus welcomed the people, taught them about the Kingdom of God and healed those in need. Luke 9:11
God has revealed many times in my life where past hurts have caused behaviours and patterns, which have been detrimental to me. He has put on my heart to draw close to Him and bring others to Him also. .... Read More...

Seeds of the Kingdom

Dealing with Delays.

by Marilyn Shearn

I have stilled and quietened my soul; like a weaned child with its mother, like a weaned child is my soul within me. O Israel, put your hope in the Lord both now and for evermore.
Psalm 131:2-3, NIV

As I write this, I’m on a journey. The train I’m in has been unable to move for the past hour and a half, because the train on the line in front of us has broken down. Just now we were informed that, as yet, that train has neither been repaired or removed. It’s a delay I would prefer not to have, as time with my sister at the end of the journey is limited.

I decided to use the time to read through my spiritual journal where I record what I feel God is saying to me – things to encourage me or things I need to learn. The above verses I’d written over a year ago and my attention was caught by them again today. They were written by David, whom I admire greatly for the way he handled difficult situations by standing firm in his faith, bringing his thoughts and feelings into line with the truth that we can with confidence put our hope in the Lord.

David was strong in times of trial because of his unshakeable relationship with God, for he’d nurtured his spirit on a regular basis with statements of trust, and praise and thanksgiving to God. I noted, as I read these verses, that he stilled and quietened his soul (his mind, will and emotions) by putting his hope in God’s faithfulness, bringing peace to those disturbed feelings within him, just like a child is satisfied and quietened at its mother’s breast.

On another occasion, we see him strong in spirit, rising above his feelings as he expresses, “Why are you downcast, O my soul? Why so disturbed within me? Put your hope in God, for I will yet praise Him, my Saviour and my God” (Psalm 42:5).

In our church fellowship group, we were discussing recently the difficulty of coping with times of waiting. What do we do at such times? We usually cannot see any reason for such times and we never know how long they will last. But they are not empty spaces. They have meaning and purpose in God’s scheme of things. He knows how long this period of time will last and we do well to choose to live through these seasons in a place of trust. For how we go through such times determines whether they benefit us and serve God’s purposes, making us stronger in the Lord, or whether, through doubts and complaining, we become weaker in our faith, maybe even bitter or cynical.

The latter is what the enemy would like, and he doesn’t hesitate to feed us his lies during such times, causing doubts and fears in order to undermine our faith. But we are not ignorant of his devices (2 Corinthians 2:11) and no matter what our emotions tell us, we can choose, like David, to stand on the truth of who God is and what He promises us in His Word.

If you are experiencing some delay or going through a time of waiting, be encouraged – this season is not without meaning and value. God is in it with you, He sees the whole picture and knows what He is doing. Choose to walk with Him through this time, expressing to Him your trust and praise. One day the season will be over, and you will come out of it stronger and closer to the Lord, and even thankful. You will testify to the truth of God’s Word when He says, ‘I am the Lord; those who hope in Me will not be disappointed’ (Isaiah 49:23c).

Prayer: Heavenly Father, You know all about me and what I’m going through in my life at this time. Thank You that You are with me and will bring me through this difficult season. I choose to put my hand in Yours and tell You that I trust You and put my hope in You. Amen.

Marilyn Shearn " Marilyn followed the Lord`s call to the Czech Republic in 1999. For many years she was on the leadership team of the International Baptist church of Prague serving in the areas of pastoral care and prayer ministry. She did NETS and is leading the work of Ellel in the Czech Republic. Her desire is for people to receive God`s love and healing in their lives.


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