Jesus welcomed the people, taught them about the Kingdom of God and healed those in need. Luke 9:11
I have received so much healing in the three courses that I have been to. Gilbula, just outside of Sydney, is such a special place where it's easy to feel like you have "come home" and the teaching, fellowship and the amazing meals recharge your spirit. I.... Read More...

Seeds of the Kingdom

Apart From Me You Can Do Nothing

by Patricia MacEachern

10 September 2022

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Remain in Me, and I will remain in you. For a branch cannot produce fruit if it is severed from the vine, and you cannot be fruitful unless you remain in Me.
John 15:4, NLT

When I was out for a walk recently, I saw a tree which had been blown over in the storms we experienced in the UK at the start of this year. It was a big tree and the trunk had been cut, because it had been blocking the road. The roots were completely out of the ground, as it was lying horizontally. What struck me was that there were lots of small branches growing out of it, each covered in fresh green leaves.

Obviously, there were enough reserves in the trunk to bring forth this new growth and sustain it through this growing season. I wondered how long it would be before this tree was completely dead, with no fresh growth and without any external source of water and food.

Are we like that? Are we sustaining what we are doing from our own internal reserves, or are we asking God for His nourishment and sustaining love and care? Perhaps we need to ask God to show us our lives from His perspective.

This could bring a sense of fear, as we may be afraid of what He might say to us. However, we need to remember the character of God.

Psalm 145:17 says, ‘The Lord is righteous in everything He does; He is filled with kindness’.

Romans 11:6 says, ‘And since it is through God’s kindness, then it is not by their good works. For in that case, God’s grace would not be what it really is – free and undeserved’.

Ephesians 1:7-8 says, ‘He is so rich in kindness and grace that He purchased our freedom with the blood of His Son and forgave our sins. He has showered His kindness on us, along with all wisdom and understanding’.

He does not want to bring condemnation, but in His love, He wants to show us where we are trying to do things in our own strength and are in danger of burning ourselves out or doing ourselves harm. Like the tree which had fallen over, it may look as if we are producing something good, but, without sustenance, it is short lived.

We need to heed Jesus’ words: “Yes, I am the vine; you are the branches. Those who remain in me, and I in them, will produce much fruit. For apart from Me you can do nothing” (John 15:5). But remember He says this because He loves us, “I have loved you even as the Father has loved Me. Remain in My love” (verse 9). May God’s love be the source of our lives.

Patricia MacEachern Patricia has been attending various courses Ellel Scotland since 2004, most recently completing Explore A and B. She has been part of the ministry team there since 2019 and is passionate about seeing others healed as God has brought and continues to bring deep healing to her personally. She is married and has three children and enjoys crafting, walking, gardening and reading.


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