TESTIMONIESfor Modular School
I have learnt that Jesus doesn't live in a religious box but lives in complete freedom and invites me to live with Him with real joy and adventure..... Read More...

The Modular School - Teaching Content
Modular School Part A
For full details of each course, click on the course title.
Foundations for the Healing Ministry (Modular School A)
A practical and biblically based course which seeks to answer fundamental questions about the healing ministry. Also covers hindrances to healing. -
Moving Under the Anointing of the Holy Spirit (Modular A)
This exciting course looks at the role of the Holy Spirit in a believer’s life and how to be led and empowered by Him when ministering God’s love. -
Acceptance and Belonging (Modular School A)
Understanding how to recognize and deal with the roots of rejection in a person’s life and how to find true acceptance. -
Inner Healing & Emotional Wholeness (Modular School A)
Identifying and ministering God’s healing love to the root causes of inner hurts and emotional pain. -
Deliverance Ministry 1 (Modular School A)
In-depth teaching providing the biblical basis and practical guidelines for deliverance ministry in the Church today. -
The Truth about Sex and Sexuality (Modular School A)
Understanding sexuality as God intended and how to bring His healing to the consequences of past ungodly sex. -
Steps to Freedom From Fear (Modular School A)
Tackling the root causes of ungodly fear and setting people free from the hold of the enemy so that they can live in freedom and true peace. -
Restoring The Human Spirit (Modular School A)
Understanding how our true identity can be crushed and influenced and how God alone can meet our deep innermost needs. -
Principles for Care and Prayer Ministry (Modular School A)
Practical guidelines for effective prayer ministry. -
Healing Workshop
A dynamic workshop exclusively for Modular students giving the opportunity to practice, while supervised, what has been taught in the previous 9 courses.
Modular School Part B
Consists of 10 weekend courses as follows:
Deliverance Ministry 2 (Modular School B)
Provides deeper understanding of the healing and deliverance ministry to deal with particular problems such as alternative medicines, martial arts, freemasonry, cults and false religions. -
Transformed by the Renewing of the Mind (Modular School B)
This helpful course provides answers for the struggles we often have in our Christian walk and our relationships with others, so we can enjoy life free from guilt, fear and conflict. -
Steps to Freedom from Addiction (Modular School B)
Looking at the root causes of the addiction, not just the behavioural outworking, this course offers hope and help for those struggling with addiction and for those who are seeking to help them. -
The Truth About Relationships (Modular School B)
This course will help us understand what goes wrong in relationships and offers practical help to improve and even restore those relationships that seem beyond repair. -
Healing for Abused People (Modular School B)
For anyone who may care for and minister to those who have been abused. The sensitive teaching will also help those who have been abused to understand some of the difficulties they experience. -
Anger - How do we handle it? (Modular School B)
The practical teaching on godly expression of anger shows how to bring the most powerful of emotions back under godly control. -
Healing Through Creativity (Modular School B)
This is not so much a course but an experience! The healing of the freedom to ‘be’ rather than to 'do' is very profound. This course is about receiving God’s love. -
Dealing with Stress, Anxiety and Burnout (Modular School B)
This course explores the root causes of stress and how to bring God's healing. Clear Bible-based teaching on anxiety and the true peace that comes only from Jesus. -
Healing for Victims of Accident & Trauma (Modular School B)
Post-traumatic stress and the consequences of accidents can continue to affect our lives, even years after the event. This course explores vital keys to lasting healing. -
Healing Workshop
A dynamic workshop exclusively for Modular students giving the opportunity to practice, while supervised, what has been taught in the previous 9 courses.