Jesus welcomed the people, taught them about the Kingdom of God and healed those in need. Luke 9:11
I read these Seeds of the Kingdom devotionals every day...I sit in tears now, after reading this. I could feel the kindness of God coming through....
Seeds of the Kingdom - Devotional Archive Results per page:
Displaying 1 to 10 of 6,035 results
29 March 2025
The Power of Truth by Ron Scurfield Truth is not just an observation of something that is right. There’s stability, security and hope in truth. Truth is dependable. “When the Spirit of truth comes, He will guide you into all truth” (John 16:13)). Truth is Spirit and is from God: “The Spirit of truth who goes out from the Father—he...
28 March 2025
New Eyes and New Ears by Jim Person Many years ago, I was hired by my father to seek out fish that had fallen out of our nets as the tide went out, but especially at low tide. I had to develop eyes that would see the signs that indicated a fish on the beach, as well as hear the sounds that were accompanying that discovery. When I did...
27 March 2025
Right and Wrong by David Cross Seventy years ago, a High Court judge said, "The common law of England has been moulded for centuries by judges who have been brought up in the Christian faith. Its precepts, consciously or unconsciously, have been their guide in the administration of justice." There has been a seismic societal change...
26 March 2025
The Kindness of God by Christel Baxter There’s a song by Matt Redman called, 10 000 Reasons. I love this song, because it always reminds me how wonderful the Lord is to me. The words of the second verse of the song are as follows: “You’re rich in love and You’re slow to anger, Your Name is great and Your heart is kind. For all Your...
25 March 2025
Success by Richard Griffiths Everyone likes success. A while ago, I was making a small coffee table. Each joint for each leg had to be at exactly 90 degrees in every direction. I clamped them ready for gluing and checked each with my square. The first was fine – relief! And the second and the third. Then came the fourth. Just...
24 March 2025
Shelter from the Storm by Tanya Person Once we had a huge storm at our house. There was lightning and thunder and hail. I was so glad to be indoors and watching it through the window. I felt safe because I was indoors. I opened the door at one point to see the hail better, but I quickly had to close the door because the hail was coming inside....
23 March 2025
The Aroma Of Life (Part 2 of 2) by Philip Asselin The sense of smell is one of our five human senses. Our nose has 350–400 smell receptors and through them we are able to detect thousands of different odours. This passage tells us that as followers of Jesus we have the God-given ability to bring to others an aroma that brings life. That is amazing,...
22 March 2025
The Aroma of Death (Part 1 of 2) by Philip Asselin What is the worst smell you can ever recall? One that immediately comes to my mind is being close to a visitor in church one very warm Sunday morning in the summer. He bred a multitude of cats and stank of tom cat urine so badly that I struggled to remain close to him – and I love cats! If you had...
21 March 2025
The Cause of the Problem by Grace Bull I was reading 2 Samuel chapter 21, which tells a story about a famine during David’s reign in Israel. Presumably, like most famines, it was caused by lack of rain. After three years of famine, David realised this wasn’t just a couple of bad years, and things were really serious, so he sought the...
20 March 2025
Whom Shall I Fear? by Peter Brokaar Fear of man (other people) is an awful thing. It brings terrible bondage and leads us to make unwise choices. In an effort to outrun the fear, we might become people-pleasers rather than God-pleasers. We might come under control from others, or even worse. Some people have grown so afraid that they are...
Seeds of the Kingdom - Devotional Archive Results per page:
Displaying 1 to 10 of 6,035 results