Donating to the Ministry
From the time Ellel Ministries was founded, a key part of the vision has been to ‘give away’ prayer ministry free of charge but to charge for our teaching and training events. By offering prayer ministry without charge, many thousands of people have found healing in the Lord Jesus who would never have received it otherwise.
We receive income from our training events and through selling books, MP3s, CDs and DVDs and this income covers approximately half of the finance needed to run the ministry. We therefore depend on the Lord, through the free-will giving of His people, to enable us to continue this important and precious work.
Here's how your support can help:
- Supporting the international development of Ellel Ministries including support for our mission work in poorer countries as well as the establishing of new centres
- Sponsoring pastors and leaders from developing nations so they can be trained and equipped on our longer-term training programmes
- Supporting the running of our centres around the world so that they can continue to offer life-transforming teaching and ministry through their events
Donations by Post or by Phone...
For donations to a specific centre - please contact the centre directly.
For donations for a specific purpose - please contact the centre directly or contact us at the address below
(Please make cheques payable to 'Ellel Ministries')
Thank you for your support!
For donations to Ellel International Head Office please contact:
Ellel Ministries, International Head Office, Ellel Grange, Ellel, Lancaster, LA2 0HN, UK
Tel: +44 (0) 1524 751 651