Jesus welcomed the people, taught them about the Kingdom of God and healed those in need. Luke 9:11
I was trying for years to quit smoking. I would give up for few days and would get back into the habit. But ever since I walked out of the retreat I haven't smoked and I truly feel redeemed..... Read More...

Prayer Ministry Team

Prayer Ministry Team

Ellel Ministries is committed to providing a safe and confidential environment for those coming to us for help. In order to provide this we take great care in training and developing our prayer ministry team.

Who are the prayer ministers?

Members of the Ellel Ministries prayer ministry team are ordinary people who share our vision to see Christians discipled, healed, set free and released into their God-given destiny. They are mature believers, from many Christian denominations, who must be in good standing with their local church. They will have received training as explained below.

Many prayer ministers are volunteers who travel to the centres to pray and minister whenever they are available. Others work at our centres full time or part time.

Prayer ministry takes place at one of our centres or at one of our off-site events such as a Conference or Church Visit. Any prayer minister who has been trained by Ellel Ministries and who offers to minister outside of this context is not covered by Ellel Ministries, because ministry conducted outside an Ellel event should be undertaken under the cover of their local church and with accountability to their local church leadership.

Safe and confidential

We normally provide two prayer ministers to meet with one person. One of these prayer ministers will be the same gender as the person receiving ministry. Sometimes ministry may be one to one at Conferences, Church Visits and large events where all of the ministry is taking place in the same meeting room at the same time.

What happens in ministry time?

Our prayer ministers are committed to listen to your story and the reasons why you are seeking help. They will also listen to God with you to hear what His plans are for the ministry time and His answers for your problems. We do not minister to people according to a set of rules. We seek to be led by the Holy Spirit and by the Scriptures at all times. Every person has their own unique story and God has His unique answer to your situation.

As a ministry we are committed to pray into the root causes of the issues people face, not just the symptoms. The Word of God says we are spirit, soul and body (1 Thessalonians 5:23), and we recognise that healing may be needed in any or all of these areas. This may include healing of emotions, healing of the human spirit, renewing of the mind, deliverance, physical healing etc.

Scriptural healing for a Christian usually comes through hearing and applying God’s Word. Those who receive prayer ministry are expected to play an active part in their healing process. Examples of this are working towards forgiveness and eventually forgiving those who have harmed us, and recognising and turning from personal sin. Prayer ministers help those with whom they are praying, to identify and apply relevant biblical principles. Prayer ministers also use scriptural keys in their ministry, to bring healing to spirit, soul and body in the power and love of the Lord Jesus Christ.

When is prayer ministry offered?

In addition to the prayer ministry offered through our Healing Retreats, almost all of our courses offer an opportunity to receive prayer ministry related to the teaching topic of the course.

Training and development of prayer ministers

We provide extensive training for those who are interested in joining our prayer ministry team, and for anyone who would like to be trained to minister in their local church.

Our prayer ministers complete one or more of the following training options:

At least one of these training options is available at all our centres. Some centres offer more than one. All training follows the ‘hear-see-do’ approach:

  • HEAR inspirational, practical, biblical teaching
  • SEE demonstrations of prayer for healing and deliverance
  • DO healing and restoration ministry – first in your own life as needed, and then for others – at first as part of a supervised workshop group, all within a safe and caring environment.

Joining the prayer ministry team

If you would like to join the Ellel Ministries prayer ministry team, the next step after having completed your chosen formal training course (see above), is to apply to your chosen centre to become a trainee prayer minister. The centre will assess your suitability to become a trainee working alongside other more experienced prayer ministers for a suitable period of time. In this way you continue to learn, until eventually you may be ready to be released to lead the prayer ministry.

We recognise that we are all ‘wounded healers’. None of us is perfect and fully healed. Therefore we do expect all our prayer ministers to be willing to receive prayer ministry themselves if and when the need arises.

All members of the ministry team are subject to ongoing training and appraisal as part of a coordinated team under a ministry manager.