The Truth about Sex and Sexuality (Modular School A)

When two people have sexual relations, God says that 'the two become one'. What are the consequences of this? And if it happens outside of marriage (for any reason) can anything be done to put things right?

Many Christians live with guilt or are struggling in this area, because of lack of knowledge, wrong past choices or as a consequence of sins that others have committed against them. The world we live in has indeed devalued and distorted the godly concept of sex and sexuality.

On this course you will find a safe place to explore this relevant subject sensitively. 

In addition, if you are involved in counselling and prayer for others, you will find the teaching content most helpful in training and equipping you further.  

The teaching examines God's plan at creation relating to our sexuality, the role of free will, and His plan for the expression of sexual intimacy within marriage. Also:

Understanding the depth of sexual relationships

Sexual relationships involve our body, soul and spirit. We will examine the biblical understanding of 'knowing' and 'covenant relationship' and explain how moving out of God's plan in this area opens us up to receive cursing rather than blessing.

Sexual sin and its consequences

What constitutes sinful activity - it includes sexual relationships outside marriage, pornography, perversions and sexual abuse - which will be discussed in a frank but sensitive way. We will consider the consequences - such as guilt, condemnation, emotional disturbance and possible spiritual bondage.

Abortion and Miscarriages

Abortion and miscarriage can cause huge pain, which our loving Father wants to heal


In this teaching we will look at some of the specific issues facing those who are single, either by choice or by circumstance.

Steps to wholeness

Important steps towards receiving forgiveness and cleansing from the past and how to move on into wholeness and holiness.

There will be opportunity to respond to the teaching and to receive personal prayer ministry.

God has shown me things that I had forgotten or left buried