Jesus welcomed the people, taught them about the Kingdom of God and healed those in need. Luke 9:11

Healing through Creativity

Creative does not mean artistic!   We are all creative, made in the image of our Creator God.

Discover the joy of being creative in a non threatening way and allow God to find you. Many of us have lost ourselves in life’s busy experience and time to ‘be’ rather than ‘do’ is rare. Time with God in the joy of His creation is healing in itself. Learn His principles for health, His antedote for stress and His gift of life and joy.

In a non structured, yet facilitating way, the course is for everyone! Come and taste for yourself from a myriad of differing workshops, which could range from pottery and woodwork to dance, textiles and flying paper aeroplanes*! There will be plenty of differing experiences to taste and have a go! At the same time there is great fellowship as the family of God and time to find Him in a new and fresh way.

This is not so much a course as an experience!

Join with us on this special course and experience for yourself God's healing heart through creativity.

Who is it for?

Everyone – there is no one who will not benefit from time set aside to be with God. Exploring tastes, colours, choices and touching God’s creation in a new and fresh way is healing. Being part of a group breaks down isolation, fears and loneliness. Learning from Scripture how God made me brings release and peace.

What if I'm not artistic?

The course is not about being artistic although you may be. The human spirit is designed by God to be uniquely expressive and each one of us has something within us which responds to creative expression. Science, business, gardening and cooking are all creative!

What can I expect?

Teaching on how God brings healing through creativity. Praise and worship times together. Freedom to be involved as you choose by yourself or with others in some* of the following activities:

  • Card making
  • Ceramics
  • Creative writing
  • Collage
  • Dance
  • Flower arranging
  • Jewellery making
  • Messy painting
  • Music making
  • Pottery
  • Stone painting
  • Woodwork

*Activities offered will vary from one centre to another. 

Been on this course? Share your testimony

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