Whoever finds me finds life. Proverbs 8:35a
There is a deep cry in each of our hearts to truly connect with God, to discover His amazing love personally and to allow Him to transform our lives so that we can follow Him without restraint. If this echoes the cry of your own heart or you desire to help others to discover this for themselves, then EXPLORE is for you!
Do you…
- desire a deeper, closer and more meaningful relationship with God?
- knows there are issues in your life which are holding you back?
- want to understand God’s plan for your own life so you can walk in it?
- want to grow in your understanding of healing so that you can help others?
If you answered yes to any of these, then EXPLORE is for you! EXPLORE is for new Christians and those who have been Christians for decades. You do need to be over 18, and the only pre-requisite is that you come with an open heart to the Lord.
Deuteronomy 4:29

EXPLORE is a series of weekend courses designed to train and equip God’s people through a journey of transformation. Ellel Ministries aims to bring Word and Spirit together in the application of teaching and ministry.
Together we will find that there is hope and help for the issues we struggle with in everyday life - issues of anxiety, stress, physical pain, emotional distress, problematic relationships, addictive behaviour and depression to name just a few. We will also discover what it really means to live with God in a closer relationship, and for God as part of His Kingdom family.
Those who journey through EXPLORE will also be equipped with keys in healing and discipleship to help meet the needs of others.
Each of the events in the series will include time for worship, biblical teaching, group discussion, activities and opportunity for prayer.
There is also the option of doing EXPLORE online via Zoom. Each session will be live-streamed. Notes and worksheets will be emailed to you prior to each course along with the Zoom link.
Most courses on EXPLORE can be attended individually as standalone events. But if you’re looking for a discipleship journey with consistent chances to grow, we recommend you register for the entire life-transforming EXPLORE series.
EXPLORE courses are held once a month over a Friday evening and Saturday.
Friday: Each EXPLORE weekend begins with registration from 6.30pm. The evening session starts at 7.30pm with worship and teaching and concludes with supper at around 9pm.
Saturday: A mix of challenging and inspiring teaching sessions alongside times for personal reflection and group discussion. This will include an ‘encounter’ session with opportunity to respond personally to the teaching and receive prayer ministry from our Ministry Team. EXPLORE will finish after the final session on Saturday evening at around 9.15pm.
You will receive EXPLORE notes as well as a journal with activities, questions, worksheets and scriptures all designed to help you continue to grow and receive from the Lord in your own time. If you choose to participate in EXPLORE online, notes and worksheets will be emailed to you prior to each course along with the Zoom link.
Over the many years of ministry we have seen how valuable opportunities of fellowship with other students and personal time with the Lord away from the stresses and strains of life can be. It gives opportunity to process His truths and apply them to our lives so that we change to become more like Him.
The wonderful thing about EXPLORE is that God doesn’t just work during the events themselves but continues His work during the time in-between.
EXPLORE 'A' 2025 consists of 10 weekend courses as follows:

- The Abundant Christian Life
- Deeper Intimacy with God
- The Power of Forgiveness
- Navigating Difficult Relationships
- Restoring the Human Spirit
- Exposing the Snares of the Enemy 1
- Overcoming Rejection and Betrayal
- Healing from Inner Hurt and Pain
- Overcoming Fear and Anxiety
- Healing Workshop - Exploring Ministry Practice. A practical four day workshop where there is an opportunity to both give and receive ministry from fellow EXPLORE students alongside our Ministry Team.
The EXPLORE Series usually starts in January/February each year and runs through to November/December. Courses are held approximately once a month.
Please click here to see our brochure with the dates and FAQs for EXPLORE 'A' 2025.
EXPLORE has been developed to reach people around the world with life-transforming teaching and we are always excited to see the results – people drawing closer to Jesus and living changed and fruitful lives. We know that as we draw close to Him, it is in Him that we find freedom from the many things that weigh us down.
Our prayer is that you would discover this too as you join with us on a journey to EXPLORE all that God is, has done and will continue to do for each one of us. It is as we truly understand this that we can then move forward in serving Him with our whole heart and see His Kingdom come.
…So as to walk in a manner worthy of the Lord, fully pleasing to him: bearing fruit in every good work and increasing in the knowledge of God. Colossians 1:10
The wonderful thing about EXPLORE is that God doesn’t just work during the events themselves but continues His work during the time in-between. The EXPLORE notes booklets will also include a journal with activities, questions, worksheets and scriptures all designed to help you continue to grow and receive from the Lord in your own time.
Each of the events in the series will include time for worship, fellowship, biblical teaching, personal reflection, group discussion and an encounter time where prayer ministry will be available.
Registration for EXPLORE is an upfront cost of $290 - this is made up of a $25 deposit for each of the ten courses in the series, plus a $40 admin fee*
Payment is then required for each of the courses as you attend them, and the amount is dependent upon what style of accommodation you choose. As an EXPLORE student you are entitled to a course discount - $20 off for EXPLORE residential courses and $10 off for non-residential (course & meals only) or online EXPLORE courses.
…Costs are shown below with deposit and course discount taken off:
- Online via Zoom - $165 per person
- No accommodation required: course and meals only - $185 per person
- Ensuite accommodation: (shared, separate male and female with ensuite) - $285 per person.
Please note: Our final workshop weekend is held over four days - prices for that weekend are:-
- Course & Meals only $260
- Ensuite $380
(The workshop will not be online)
*Registration fee is not refundable or transferable to other courses.
10% off: • books • mp3s • USBs
We are happy to bless our EXPLORE students with the option to stay over on the Saturday night after the EXPLORE course. Please let Reception know when you would like to take advantage of this. Breakfast will also be available on Sunday and we ask that our guests head off the base by 9.30am. Please note: our office is not open on Sundays.
You can apply by ringing the office on +61 (02) 4633 8102 or:
- Download the registration form below
- Complete the interactive form
- Save it and attach it to an email
- Email to info@ellel.org.au