Jesus welcomed the people, taught them about the Kingdom of God and healed those in need. Luke 9:11
Long Weekend Event

17 - 20 October 2024
(Thu - Sun)


Ellel Sydney, Gilbulla

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Becoming a King

William Marshall said: “Such a thing so costly in the learning, that a wicked man dare not undertake it”

Jesus challenged us to count the cost of truly following Him. Becoming more conformed to the likeness of Christ is costly. Excavation of our souls is costly. Dismantling the masks we wear that make-up the False Self is costly. So, to ensure only humbled and hungry men register - we are making it ‘costly’ to attend this event…

So, here are the requirements to attend Becoming a KingThey are not negotiable. Are you ready?

1)            This is a four day event. It requires you to arrive, register and be seated in the Conference Hall, ready to begin on Thursday 2nd November at 7:30pm. You will have to take the Friday 3rd Nov off work to be here. Plan to leave work early on Thursday to ensure you arrive around 7pm, well before the 7:30pm start. Please do not arrive late.

2)            This is a live-in course. We are not offering a ‘non-residential’ option (ie where you attend by day, but stay off-site). You must commit to staying here on site for the entire four days – even if you are local, the option to head home at night is not available. We are asking each man to commit to staying on site in our accommodation.

3)            This event is designed to be experienced “off-grid” – therefore this retreat is an official technology free zone. You must be willing to hand in your mobile phone at Reception when you arrive on the Thursday night. Your mobile will be safely stored and locked away until Sunday lunch and our emergency number will be provided for you to pass on to loved ones. Rest assured, in the event of an emergency you will be contacted. Your agreement to this requirement will be necessary before we proceed with your registration on the Thursday evening arrival. (NB Consider this our gift to you – to be ‘unplugged’ from a busy world allowing four days to connect with God and like-hearted brothers unhindered by technology’s interruptions).

4)            You will need to bring an alarm clock (or buy/borrow one) if you rely on your phone to wake you.

Still with us?

We want to take you on a road less travelled – unpacking what is missing in our masculine journeys, where the eventual destination is wholeness and maturity – but it is an arduous journey, requiring a serious commitment to take this path.

Men willing to do the excavation needed to walk this path, know they cannot do it alone. So it’s a chance to slow life down and learn how to be apprenticed by God, rework your foundations and connect with other like-hearted brothers seeking the same.

October 17 - 20 is your opportunity, your time to be set apart to do the groundwork for the years that lay ahead.

An Entrusted Event for Men.

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Event Details

This event commences at 7.30pm on the Thursday and concludes at 1.30pm on the Sunday with lunch. Course fees include all meals and refreshments from Friday breakfast, through to and including Sunday lunch. Please note there is no evening meal provided Thursday before the course commences.

All accommodation is shared with up to six people in a room. Please bring your own bed linen or sleeping bag along with a towel. Doona and pillow are provided. Linen and towels can be provided at a cost of $15.

Please arrive to register from 6:30 pm. Collect your name badge and course notes from Reception. After registration, you are welcome to relax with a free tea, coffee or filtered water in the dining room before the course commences.

Unfortunately we cannot cater for special diets, food allergies or intolerances. We suggest if this is a concern for you that you bring your own food to supplement what is provided. There is a refrigerator and microwave oven in the dining room you are welcome to use if needed.

If coming by public transport there is a railway station at Menangle, about 2 kilometres from us at "Gilbulla". As long as you let us know what time you are coming, we are happy to collect you from the station when you arrive and arrange to get you back there when the course concludes.

Dress is comfortable casual clothing. We look forward to having you with us and pray the Lord will minister powerfully to you during your time here.

If you have any further questions, please call reception on (02) 4633-8102

Cancellation Policy

The cancellation policy can be found under 'Next Steps' on the right of this page. Thank you for reading this before booking.

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