Jesus welcomed the people, taught them about the Kingdom of God and healed those in need. Luke 9:11
Before the weekend I was completely unable to accept a part of the Lordship prayer where we acknowledge the Lord's control over "the manner and timing of my death". I needed or wanted an "out", to be able to control this for myself..... Read More...

Seeds of the Kingdom

What Shall We Do?

by Vivienne Hill

Be still, and know that I am God.
Psalm 46:10(a), NKJV

I have recently been involved in a couple of prayer meetings, one before Lockdown and one during Lockdown. In both situations Father asked us to stop and listen to Him, and in both situations, someone spoke up to fill the gaps and quiet spaces with the question “What shall we do?”

In our current situations, sitting at home and being told isolate yourself, keep away from others many of us are faced with the question, “What shall I do?”

Can we sit and listen in the quietness? Can we listen to Father God? Or do we need to be surrounded by noise? Are we filling our days with TV or are we able to switch off and focus on what Father God is saying to us? I don’t mean necessarily asking God for something profound about the nation, or the world, or even praying for others (which isn’t wrong), but taking some time out to focus on what He is saying to us individually right now.

Last summer I had the privilege of being part of the ministry team at a large Christian gathering. People of all different types came for prayer to seek God. At the end of our time I was struck that it seemed many of the people were hugely busy doing things for God but felt dried up and burnt out. When asked what their relationship with Father God was like, they replied that they got up early to pray, but were unable to articulate on the intimacy of their relationship with God. It made me think something is going awry in how we, as Christians, approach our relationship with God.

If we need to fill our lives with things of the world, or even with preachers, teachers and Godly music, or of us talking to God, when do we take time out to listen, really listen to build relationship with our Creator God?

Before any Christian meetings were established, God delighted to walk with Adam in the Garden. Later in the scriptures Father God says, in Isaiah 1:18, “Come now, and let us reason together.” He isn’t dismissive of our sin but He wants to reason together with. He wants to talk to us. He wants to discuss with us. Isn’t that amazing? The creator of the Universe wants to discuss things with me and with you.

So, can you take time out of your busyness today, turn it all off, go alone into the quiet to sit at His feet and listen?

He loves you and He is waiting.

Prayer: Father God, please forgive me for all the times I have filled the space when You wanted to speak to me. Please help me to take time out to build a relationship with You. Thank You that You like me as well as love me and want to spend time with me. Amen.

Vivienne Hill Vivienne is an experienced member of the Ellel Ministry Team having ministered at Pierrepont for fifteen years before retiring to the Scottish Highlands where she continues to minister and teach at Blairmore. Having experienced deep healing herself, Vivienne has a heart to see others experience the freedom she has found through her Father God. She is married to Steve and has a grown-up son who lives away from home and is a teacher. She works part-time as a bookkeeper and in her spare time she loves being creative, walking, canoeing and keeping fit.


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