Jesus welcomed the people, taught them about the Kingdom of God and healed those in need. Luke 9:11
I have never felt God so tangible as He was to me in those two a father who loves us unconditionally. His love is so freeing and so real!.... Read More...

Seeds of the Kingdom

Truth and Justice

by Joan Rono

25 November 2014

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So justice is driven back, and righteousness stands at a distance; truth has stumbled in the streets, honesty cannot enter. Truth is nowhere to be found, and whoever shuns evil becomes a prey. The Lord looked and was displeased that there was no justice. He saw that there was no one, he was appalled that there was no one to intervene, so his own arm achieved salvation for him, and his own righteousness sustained him. He put on righteousness as his breastplate...
Isaiah 59:14-17, NIV

We don’t need to look far to realise the reality of where our world is today. All over the world, in the news, in society, and in communities, we see a great decline. People are finding no need for God. It’s heartbreaking to see entire nations that once held on to God’s principles as the guidelines to rule their country, fall into a place of big compromises. The Church is also not spared in this.

We live in a society where God’s truthful word is no longer accepted as the compass for morality! Governments, societies, communities, churches and individuals prefer to live in the comfort of their own life. Yet the Bible clearly commands us to seek the Kingdom of God first, and His righteousness, and the rest is to follow!

The simple, yet profound, reason we must seek God’s Kingdom is that thousands of years of history show that we humans cannot effectively rule ourselves; and in the end, all human governments apart from God will fail.

Solomon wrote in Proverbs 14:12 that ‘there is a way that seems right to a man, but its end is the way of death’. Jeremiah added: ‘O LORD, I know the way of man is not in himself; it is not in man who walks to direct his own steps’ (Jeremiah 10:23).

When we refuse to let the word of God be the compass to direct our lives, we move out from the protection that God has given - the protection that comes through obedience to His Word. When we live in obedience to the Word of God, we’re allowing ourselves to come under His protection. We’re abiding in His shadow, and He’ll keep us safe. But, if we stray from His will, and forsake His guidelines, if we disobey and walk in our own ways, then we walk away from His protection and we’re exposed to the devices of the enemy.

Knowing the truth sets us free from the bondage of the enemy. Many people are drifting away from the reality of everyday life and embracing a virtual world, fuelled by the outward appearance of what they call ‘happiness’. But the reality is they’re not happy. The life they live is not real. But, as we come to God, and trust in the truth of His Word, we’re transformed from unreality to reality. Then we can pour our hearts out to Him. As the truth of God seeps into our spirits, life and healing flow in.

Reality is realising where we are in ourselves. It’s bringing the real us before God, so He can set us free by His truth, and show us the way forward into the eternal abundant life He gives. This is the way to be fulfilled and have true happiness in life!

We might not have the ability to change the whole world, but we definitely have the
ability to change ourselves and influence the people we meet daily.

Prayer: Father God, in the name of Jesus, help me to embrace Your truth and learn from You. Enable me to walk in the freedom that comes from knowing Your truth! Keep me from deception and lead me to life. Amen.

Joan Rono has been involved with Ellel ministries since 2008,working at Ellel grange for 5 years before moving to Ellel Blairmore in 2013 to work as hospitality coordinator. Having walked the Healing Journey, Joan has a passion to see others healed and transformed. She also has a passion to see young people walk in purity and holiness. She enjoys walking and reading in her spare time.


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