Jesus welcomed the people, taught them about the Kingdom of God and healed those in need. Luke 9:11
I have never felt God so tangible as He was to me in those two a father who loves us unconditionally. His love is so freeing and so real!.... Read More...

Seeds of the Kingdom

Too Grown Up To Fly?

by Alison Scarborough

When I was a child, I spoke as a child, I understood as a child, I thought as a child; but when I became a man, I put away childish things.
1 Corinthians 13:11, NKJV

I love airports! I really enjoy being able to sit with a cup of coffee and watch the world go by whilst I wait for my flight or to be picked up. I am an inveterate people watcher and find there is much the Lord will show me about Himself if I am willing to listen to Him as I look at the people He has made.

Not long ago I saw a father ‘fly’ his little boy by holding him firmly by the hands and then spinning around and around so the boy’s legs flew out behind him. The squeals of delight could be heard across the whole departures zone. The boy was looking at his father’s face and had complete trust that he would not drop him. Moments into this exciting journey a girl, a bit taller than the flying boy, said, “fly me too Daddy, fly me too!” This girl was the boy’s big sister and taller, so when it was her turn to fly her daddy said, “Ok now you will have to help me and run a bit.” He had her hands, she focussed on his face, he started spinning, she started running and before a moment had passed she was flying too. It makes me smile to think of it, even now, because of the delight of that whole little family and everyone in the airport, who felt the joy and excitement of the ‘flying with daddy’.

Watching this made me think about ‘flying with Jesus’. The apostle Paul said that, ‘when I was a child’ (or a new believer), ‘I thought as a child’. I just held on, focussed on His love for me and let Him fly me. But as I have matured I’ve learned some things - good principles (like the key of forgiveness for example), so now it’s right that I should run a few steps with Jesus in order to fly with Him. Paul was saying that we mustn’t stay in the place of expecting to be flown like a little child.

But then I had another thought. As I watched those children fly I felt a surge of desire to have a go too. There was a heart cry “fly me daddy!” But at the same time I thought “no, don’t be silly, you’re too big. You’re grown up now!” But I wonder if I was putting childish things too far away in trying to make myself grown up in my walk with Jesus. Jesus said we need to come in childlikeness to Him.

I don’t know where you are in your walk with Jesus. Maybe you’re enjoying Him ‘flying’ you. Maybe you’re taking His instructions and joining in with Him for lift off. Or maybe you wonder if ‘flying’ is even necessary. Maturing in the Christian life, without losing the wonder of a childlike faith, is to focus on Jesus’ face. It’s to hear His encouragement and feel the delight of enjoying His company. And it’s for others to watch.

Prayer: Father God, Thank You that You’re helping me to grow with You. I’m sorry if I’ve lost the joy of flying with You. Please help me to put down my way of doing thing. I want to stay focussed on Jesus, trust His instructions, and be brave enough to let Him fly me. Amen.

Alison Scarborough has been part of the Ellel Ministries Team since 1997 having completed the `Nine Week School` in 1996. She has worked at Glyndley Manor, near Eastbourne, since joining team and is currently Deputy Director and one of the teachers there. She has travelled to share in teaching at some of Ellel`s other European Centres and enjoyed significant time with the Ellel Ireland team. Before joining Ellel Alison was a nurse and midwife who was especially interested in neuro-intensive care and infectious diseases.


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