Jesus welcomed the people, taught them about the Kingdom of God and healed those in need. Luke 9:11
I felt like my heart was literally being put back together and broken pieces were being sealed back together. It was an unforgettable experience that changed my life forever!.... Read More...

Seeds of the Kingdom

The Presence of God

by Lynda Scott

10 September 2016

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“You go before me and follow me. You place your hand of blessing on my head.”
Psalm 39:5, NLT

This month I was reminded how amazing it is to be in the presence of God. Sometimes we talk about the presence of God, but maybe we need to talk about it less and actually go there.

Some may ask “Well how do you go into the presence of God?” I have found no better way than to worship God. This is what I did recently with the worship team at my church. There was maybe six or seven of us, and we joined together in music and singing to worship Jesus. We had no agenda and no time limit. We came simply to worship Him together. Then as we did, I came into His presence in the most extraordinary way. I could feel Him so near and my heart started to cry out to Him all the burdens on my heart. I knelt before Him, knowing how holy His presence is. Then I felt the most extraordinary thing. I could feel the Father’s hand on my head. As I dwelt in that time and space I just enjoyed His presence, knowing that He knew all that my heart was trying to express. Then I asked Him to speak to me and He started to speak. Not just one or two words or a scripture, but a full outpouring of His encouragement to me in words and scriptures, that went for a number of minutes. It was amazing!

That time of worship was life changing for me. Apart from the obvious encouragement that such an encounter brings, I had an unexpected blessing. During the following week I realised that a fear I had been struggling with for some time, was gone!

So I felt I needed to write this month about the beauty and blessing of coming into His presence. God is inviting you to come into His presence. Maybe you have never been there before. Well it’s time you did! Breakthroughs happen in the presence of God. Open up your heart, seek Him, worship Him. If possible, join with others who want to worship Him too. The Father longs to place His hand of blessing on your head too!

Prayer: Dear Father, thank You for the privilege that we can come into Your presence. I pray that You would help me to come into Your presence and that You would meet me there. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

Lynda Scott was first introduced to Ellel Ministries at a conference led by Peter and Fiona Horrobin in 1996 when she was miraculously healed following a devastating accident. Lynda has continued her association with Ellel Ministries over the years and has recently written her story “Lynda: From Accident & Trauma to Healing & Wholeness.” She lives in Australia with her husband Leigh and 3 children, who are all at school. She works in a local health clinic, as well as helping her husband with the administration of their beef cattle farm.


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