Jesus welcomed the people, taught them about the Kingdom of God and healed those in need. Luke 9:11
God has shown me His love. That He truly cares for me and wants the very best for me. He has forgiven me for how I have been feeling towards Him and others. Forgiving the people who have hurt me is so freeing!.... Read More...

Seeds of the Kingdom

The Bride

by Joan Rono

When these things begin to take place, stand up and lift up your heads, because your redemption is drawing near.
Luke 21:28, NIV

When we look at the events happening in our world today we see that we are in the countdown towards our redemption. But fear may creep into the hearts of many when we say that these are the last days! Yet in Matthew 24 the Lord gives a clear description of what would happen and described it as the beginning of labour pains. We are definitely witnessing that!

Now our redemption is nearer than we first believed. Once we lived in ignorance, in the comfort of worldly pleasure. Some are still living in this ignorance that’s why there is fear when we say these are the last days!

When we accepted Jesus us our Lord and Saviour, it was like getting a passport to go to a new country. Some of us know what it’s like to go and live in a foreign country. Before we went we prepared by learning the language, culture and ways of the people of that land.

In the same way, we Christians are now citizens of a far off country and strangers in this world. We’re looking forward to our true home. It’s a kingdom which is not of this world. Our King is coming to take us home with Him.

This might sound good to us, but are we living daily in the truth of this word?
Are we learning to live a life that’s compatible with the qualities of our heavenly kingdom?

The Word says we are to be ‘transformed by the renewing of our minds’ (Romans 12:2). We should clean our garments and put oil in our lamps, like the five wise virgins. We should get rid of any sinful behaviours and be cleansed. Then when the Bridegroom comes we won’t be ashamed to stand before Him.

This is a call for us as the Church (The Bride) to ask the Lord to search our hearts and purify us so that we can be presented to Him.

Prayer: Lord, thank You for the redemption through Your blood. Please search me and cleanse me from any sin and attitudes. Prepare my heart so that I can be a bride that doesn’t need to be ashamed when You come. Thank You, Lord, for I can say ‘Maranatha. Come Lord Jesus!’Amen.

Joan Rono has been involved with Ellel ministries since 2008,working at Ellel grange for 5 years before moving to Ellel Blairmore in 2013 to work as hospitality coordinator. Having walked the Healing Journey, Joan has a passion to see others healed and transformed. She also has a passion to see young people walk in purity and holiness. She enjoys walking and reading in her spare time.


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