Jesus welcomed the people, taught them about the Kingdom of God and healed those in need. Luke 9:11
I have never felt God so tangible as He was to me in those two a father who loves us unconditionally. His love is so freeing and so real!.... Read More...

Seeds of the Kingdom



15 February 2025

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You are the light of the world, a city set on a hill cannot be hidden.
Matthew 5:14, NIV

When I was a child and went to Sunday School, I loved to sing this song:

“Jesus wants me for a sunbeam to shine for Him each day. In everything to be like Him at work, at School, at play. A sunbeam, a sunbeam, Jesus wants me for a sunbeam. A sunbeam, a sunbeam. I’ll be a sunbeam for Him!”

And yes, I will be a sunbeam for Him, and that is what He calls us all to be – light bearers into a dark world. Jesus is the light of the world. When we became Christians, His Holy Spirit came to live in us. So, we have the light of Christ within us and we must let His light shine.

 ‘A city set on a hill cannot be hidden. Nor do men light a lamp and put it under a bowl, but on a lampstand and it gives light to all in the house. In the same way your light must shine before men’  (Matthew 5:14-16).

No holding back, no backing off, no thinking it’s for everyone else but not for me! It is for all of us to pray for the fresh infilling of the Holy Spirit and, as we give out, we will need more.

‘For God gives the Spirit without measure’ (John 3:34).

‘The God who said “out of darkness the light shall shine” is the same God who made His light shine in our hearts, to bring us the knowledge of God’s glory shining in the face of Christ. Yet, we who have this spiritual treasure are like common clay pots in order to show that the supreme power belongs to God, not us!’ (2 Corinthians 4: 6-7).

So let us take this spiritual treasure and be “Light Bearers” or “Sunbeams” in this dark world.


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