Jesus welcomed the people, taught them about the Kingdom of God and healed those in need. Luke 9:11
Before the weekend I was completely unable to accept a part of the Lordship prayer where we acknowledge the Lord's control over "the manner and timing of my death". I needed or wanted an "out", to be able to control this for myself..... Read More...

Seeds of the Kingdom

Sacrifice of Praise

by Bernard Kariuki

I will sing to the LORD as long as I live. I will praise my God to my last breath!
Psalm 104:33, NLT

David said, ‘I will bless the LORD at all times: his praise shall continually be in my mouth’ (Psalm 34:1). I believe that, no matter what the devil is trying to do to us, we shall overcome through the power of praise. When you praise against all odds, you’re sacrificing everything within you to praise. That’s the ‘sacrifice of praise’.

Psalm 104 begins with the words ‘Praise the Lord oh my soul’. This is speaking to yourself, to raise your praise up, even when the circumstances aren’t good, and when you don’t feel like it. This is offering a sacrifice of praise to God, as we’re instructed in Hebrews 13:15, ‘let us continually offer to God a sacrifice of praise’.

Praising the Lord at all times, as David did, I believe, overcomes doubts of who God is in the midst of it all, and brings us to a realisation of who we are in Him. When David faced Goliath, he praised the Lord. David raised praise of His God to the Philistine, saying that the God of the armies of Israel, the LORD, would deliver Goliath into his hands, so that all the earth might know that there’s a God in Israel, and that all might know that the LORD doesn’t deliver by sword or by spear; for the battle is the LORD’S. That’s praising God for how strong He is, and having no doubt that God would deliver him.

I believe praise overcomes fear. It brings liberation and scares the enemy. It builds confidence and assurance. That’s why you hear of army recruitment camps chanting songs of praise. When you praise, you’re proclaiming something into your situation and reminding yourself that your God is able.

Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego were confronted by king Nebuchadnezzar, and told they would be cast into a furnace of blazing fire if they didn’t worship his image. They refused to comply with the king’s command to worship the idol, but stated confidently, “If it be so, our God whom we serve is able to deliver us from the furnace of blazing fire; and He will deliver us out of your hand, O king. They saw the fire, yet praised God as their deliverer.

In 2 Chronicles 20, we read how Jehoshaphat was terrified by the news of a vast army from Edom declaring war and marching against him. Jehoshaphat and people of Judah came together and raised a prayer of praise to God. They proclaimed how powerful and mighty He was. After the praise, God came through and told them the battle belongs to Him, and they wouldn’t even need to fight. So, the king appointed singers to walk ahead of the army, singing to the Lord and praising Him. The more they sang and praised the Lord, the more it caused their enemies’ armies to fight against each other. So, when the army of Judah arrived, all they saw were dead bodies.

You may wonder why the prison doors opened when Paul and Silas started to praise in the midnight hour, or why the walls of Jericho came falling down as they praised the Lord. The answer is in Psalm 22:3, which says that God inhabits the praise of His people.

So, when we commit to praise Him, He comes and takes charge. He takes the control of the situation. His presence engulfs our circumstances. He takes over and God has never, and will never, lose a battle. That’s why mighty walls fall, armies as vast as the grains of sand on the seashore are conquered by a mere three hundred, and blazing fire doesn’t consume. When we praise, He’s in control.

What is it you’re facing today that has frustrated you, and you don’t feel like praising God? Regardless, praise Him. Don’t wait to praise Him after the walls have fallen down, after the prison doors have opened, or after He’s saved you from the fire. Praise Him now. It’s to your advantage to do so

Prayer: As David did, Lord, let me decide to praise You as long as I live, to praise You every day. Yes Lord! To praise You forever. You’re great, Lord. You’re most worthy of my praise. No one can measure Your greatness. I’ll praise You in the morning, praise You in the noon time and praise You in the evening, in Jesus' name Amen.

Bernard Kariuki is from Kenya, and married to Yulia from Russia. They met in Ellel Ministries and served together for many years at both Ellel Scotland and Ellel Grange. Bernard has the desire to share the Word of God with young people, for he desires to see young people walking in holy fear of the Lord.


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