Jesus welcomed the people, taught them about the Kingdom of God and healed those in need. Luke 9:11
God healed the brokenness I had been carrying, broke the lies of shame, delivered me from fear and allowed me the freedom to express myself, knowing that I am safe in Him and He wont abandon me. .... Read More...

Seeds of the Kingdom

Quick Fix

by Mary-Lou Gregoire

Therefore, just as through one man sin entered into the world, and death through sin, and so death spread to all men, because all sinned.
Romans 5: 12, NASB

When I moved into my basement flat just over five years ago there was a drip coming from an upper outside overflow pipe. I was assured this would be fixed, which it was - of sorts. A piece of hose pipe was placed inside the overflow pipe, which then fed into gutter. Initially it stopped the problem, but, over time, water began to run down the outside of the hose missing the gutter and running down the wall. Despite the problem being pointed out (very regularly), it never got properly fixed. Now five years on the walls in my kitchen and bedroom have become sodden and mouldy, resulting in some expensive and disruptive work having to be done.

Through Adam and Eve’s sin and disobedience, devastation and disruption entered the world. You see, before they ate that fruit from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, they walked in harmony with God. Despite all their efforts to hide and cover up their sin, sin and death entered the world, and even more devastating, a separation from God. This is a problem that man by himself could not fix, and, as time has gone so on, so the damage and destruction has deepened

The good news is that, through the sacrifice of Jesus on the cross and the victory won by His resurrection, we can be healed, restored and forgiven. It can be a difficult and painful process to face the reality of the devastation sin has brought to our lives. Not just our own sin, but also the sins that others have committed against us. When the builder first told me what needed to be done in my flat to fix the problem it sounded simple. But the reality is it has taken a long time, plaster had to come down, walls had to dry out, new plaster had to go up, rooms need redecorating and kitchen cabinets need replacing. Each step has been necessary, and, if missed out or not done thoroughly, then in time the problem would return.

The key to gaining lasting healing and freedom in our lives is to keep taking steps forward, being real and honest with Jesus, and with every step holding nothing back. We need to get into the habit of confessing our sin and forgiving others, as part of our every day walk with Jesus. As our text today says ‘through one man sin entered into the world’. Sin can only be taken out of lives through one man – and that is Jesus. ‘But the free gift is not like the transgression. For if by the transgression of the one the many died, much more did the grace of God and the gift by the grace of the one Man, Jesus Christ, abound to the many’ (Romans 5:15).The challenge is: ‘Are you going to settle for a quick fix, or are you willing to have a complete restoration of your life?’ Why not ask the Master Restorer into your life today to begin the work? It may seem hard, but the end result will be amazing!

Prayer: Father God, I recognise that my life is not as should be, and that the undealt-with issues of sin in my life are causing devastation to my life. I know this is not Your will, and today I am choosing to be honest and real with You about the issues in my life. I ask You, Father, to help me, as I begin today to walk the path of restoration of my life with You. Amen.

Mary-Lou Gregoire Has worked full time for Ellel Ministries at Glyndley Manor since 2011. Currently she enjoys the role of being the Ministry Manager as well as being part of the Teaching Team. Having walked a significant journey of healing from death into life her passion is to see Jesus “heal the broken hearted and bind up their wounds”. In her spare time Mary-Lou enjoys Photography, growing vegetables, reading, playing the saxophone, being creative and walking with Henry her dog.


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