Jesus welcomed the people, taught them about the Kingdom of God and healed those in need. Luke 9:11
God has shown me His love. That He truly cares for me and wants the very best for me. He has forgiven me for how I have been feeling towards Him and others. Forgiving the people who have hurt me is so freeing!.... Read More...

Seeds of the Kingdom

Our Heavenly Father (1)

by Paul Griffin

10 November 2008

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Though my father and mother forsake me, the LORD will receive me.
Psalm 27:10, NIV

Do you have a favourite scripture verse? One of mine has to be the promise found in Psalm 27:10 where it says ‘Though my father and mother forsake me, the LORD will receive me’. I was blessed by growing up in a family where I received love and affirmation from my parents. But for many that come to Ellel Ministries for help, parental love and affirmation hasn’t been their experience. One person who came on a Healing Retreat wrote:

"Having had a childhood spent in fear of an angry and unaffectionate father, the most significant revelation and working of the Holy Spirit was with regard to my perception of God. The turning point came when God gave me a vision. I saw myself as a child playing in some mud. I turned and saw God on the top of a hill. I began to move towards Him, at which point He opened His arms and ran towards me. He took me in His arms and held me close to Himself. The mud with which I was covered didn’t dirty Him - instead I became clean. I knew then that He accepted me as I was, mud and all."

Countless times we’ve witnessed and heard testimonies of people realising that God is not like their earthly father. He’s not a harsh disciplinarian watching and waiting for you to make a mistake. He’s not moody or irritable. He’s not abusive or untrustworthy. No - your heavenly Father is gentle, kind and compassionate. He wants the best for you. Whether or not you experienced difficulties with your earthly father, remember that you can always approach your Heavenly Father. He’s standing there with His arms outstretched, ready to receive and embrace you.

Prayer: Thank you Lord that you are the perfect Father and that you love me unconditionally. I choose to believe the truth about you and forgive those who have taught me differently. In Jesus' name, Amen.

Paul Griffin Paul spent 20 years working as a chemical engineer for an oil company in South Africa, the Middle East and Japan prior to going to Bible College. Paul and his wife Liz have been involved with Ellel since 1991 and are associate teachers as well as being authors of the books ‘Anger …How do you Handle it?’ and ‘Hope and Healing for the Abused.’


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