Jesus welcomed the people, taught them about the Kingdom of God and healed those in need. Luke 9:11
God has revealed many times in my life where past hurts have caused behaviours and patterns, which have been detrimental to me. He has put on my heart to draw close to Him and bring others to Him also. .... Read More...

Seeds of the Kingdom

My Heart May Fail

by Catherine Baker

My flesh and my heart may fail, but God is the Rock and firm Strength of my heart and my Portion forever.
Psalm 73:26, AMP

When I had a heart attack nearly two years ago, far away from home, God brought me back safely. In fact, I even doubted it was a heart attack I’d had, until it was confirmed by the cardiologist. I was given recommendations from the medical profession for my future health. But despite following all the recommendations, as I was trying to avoid having to take a particular medicine, it didn’t work. The final medication with it`s side effects, albeit less than the first one given, wasn’t what I wanted to take.

I can’t say I took this in my stride, in fact I had great difficulty with it. I suddenly had less energy to do the things I wanted to do. Having to stop many of my activities caused me to look back on my life. I began to see the many times where my spiritual heart had failed and brought me into a pit of despair. Now my physical heart was failing, as it wasn’t pumping the life blood I needed to function well.

I had expectations of where help would come from to support me in this season of my life. But I found God used different people from those I’d expected. I also experienced God in a deeper way. Not only was He strengthening my heart, but also my trust in His Word.

The enemy of my soul was also prowling around, reminding me of my failures and the failures of others. Then I remembered my first attempt at painting. I let a bit of black paint make a blob on the canvas. I was devastated, because I’d ruined the painting.

I remember the teacher’s reply: “What makes you think it was a mistake, and that the picture is ruined? Look at it as a present in disguise.” My black blob turned into a lovely cat. When someone looked at my finished painting they expressed their delight at the little black cat.

Often we can feel our failings or inabilities aren’t going to bring about anything good. We feel disappointed when life goes rather differently from what we’d expected. Failures, inabilities, and disabilities, in our own families or the Church, can bring much pain and disappointment.

I’m sure God’s waiting to create something better with His final paintbrush stroke in our lives, whether it was ourselves, or others, that caused our hearts to fail. Sometimes forgiveness or repentance is needed, or we have to stand against the accuser of the brethren and send him away in Jesus’ name. Tell him to take his accusations to God, because Jehovah God has the final say.

Our hearts may fail. Others hearts may fail towards us but God never fails to be the strength of our hearts. We can always trust Him.

God makes no mistakes, and He uses everything for His purpose in our lives, to bring us closer to Him, so that our trust in Him grows in His care. Romans 8:28 says ‘And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to His purpose’.

The enemy may bring discouragement through many sources, but the Lord of our lives has the last word. His faithfulness and mighty power is greater than our failing hearts.

Prayer: Father should our hearts fail, help us to receive Your strength for our hearts. Encourage us with Your word that You have our situations in Your hand. Thank You for the blood of Jesus that has given us victory over the enemy of our souls. Help us to stand in the authority given to us by Your Son Jesus against the works of the enemy. Show us the way through the mine fields of the enemy of our souls. Fill us with Your Holy Spirit and what we need at this time. Don’t just heal our physical hearts, but also our spiritual hearts, for Jesus’ name sake. Amen.

Catherine Baker Cathy started her journey with Ellel Ministries in 2009 She is married with two children and two grandchildren. She lives in the Netherlands and has a desire to see people’s hearts connected in relationship to Father God.


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