Jesus welcomed the people, taught them about the Kingdom of God and healed those in need. Luke 9:11
Before the weekend I was completely unable to accept a part of the Lordship prayer where we acknowledge the Lord's control over "the manner and timing of my death". I needed or wanted an "out", to be able to control this for myself..... Read More...

Seeds of the Kingdom

More Than Just Words

by Ron Scurfield

In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.
John 1:1, NIV

A friend said to me recently, when I offered to pray for him and his problems, “It’s only words. It doesn’t work.” Although he reads his bible regularly, and is familiar with certain verses of scripture, there seems to be something missing in his life. He doesn’t appear to know the joy of the Lord.

There are lots of books and teaching materials available to tell us how we can train our minds to find peace, happiness and contentment, and to promote physical or mental exercise for a healthy lifestyle. They too are just words. They might be very helpful and encouraging but they don’t have the power to feed the soul. ‘Man shall not live on bread alone, but on every word that comes from the mouth of God’ (Matthew 4:4).

Advice and teaching can be good. But life-changing direction and experiences come from God. It is not only words but the Spirit within us that draws us closer to Him and allows Him to change us from the inside.

The words of Scripture are words of life, ‘living and active, sharper than any double edged sword’ (Hebrews 4:12). ‘All Scripture is given by inspiration of God’ (2 Timothy 3:16), and has the potential to transform lives. As we acknowledge the source of His written word, we connect, spirit to Spirit with the purposes of God Himself.

There may be issues in our lives that prevent the truth of God’s word from being effective, things such as sin or bitterness. These must be dealt with, so that our relationship with God is unhindered by the flesh. We need to maintain a healthy lifestyle to allow the word of God to take root; to feed and nourish our bodies so we can become wholesome and strong. Our whole outlook on life changes when our focus is on God and not on our problems. ‘Do not give the devil a foothold’ (Ephesians 4:27). ‘See to it that no one falls short of the grace of God and that no bitter root grows up to cause trouble and defile many’ (Hebrews 12:15).

Prayer is more than just words. Prayer is calling upon the power of God, who spoke into the emptiness of space, before anything else existed, and said “Let there be ...” And there was. Words of Scripture are more than just words. They are backed by the Spirit of God and have the potential to dramatically change our lives. They can lift us from the plane of being self conscious to the realm of being God conscious, where God is able to transform us ‘into His image from one degree of glory to another’ (2 Corinthians 3:18).

When the words of God are spoken, riding on the power of the Spirit, life itself responds and comes into line with the will of God.

“The words I have spoken to you are Spirit and life” (John 6:63).

Prayer: Lord, who else can I turn to but You? Peter said, “You have the words of eternal life.” Please help me to understand the depth of meaning of these words so that I can come to know You more, the only true God, and Jesus Christ whom You have sent. Amen.

Ron Scurfield with his wife Jill, are part of the Associate Ministry Team at Ellel Grange and occasionally Ellel Scotland. Ron enjoys walking and writing and meeting interesting people, but his greatest joy is seeing God transform lives, setting people free to live the abundant life that Jesus intended.


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