Jesus welcomed the people, taught them about the Kingdom of God and healed those in need. Luke 9:11
I have never felt God so tangible as He was to me in those two a father who loves us unconditionally. His love is so freeing and so real!.... Read More...

Seeds of the Kingdom

Hidden – until God’s Moment Comes

by Goran Andersson

…‘Yes, he has hidden himself among the baggage’
1 Samuel 10:22, NIV

That’s not a place for a king! Not even for a soldier. For every calling there’s an appropriate place, and one of the first things to do when you sense God`s calling is to know the place where you should be. But you’ll never receive a calling because you have taken up a position, as if you were already called to it.

Saul was aware of God´s call on his life. He knew the anointing that was upon him. But he also knew that the people around him didn’t know. And instead of trying to convince them, he left it to the people to find out, and for God to prove him. In the middle of changing circumstances and great challenges he chose a cautious attitude: ‘If this is of God, God will speak!’

In a way he was very much like Gideon, who put out a fleece before God, to get a confirming sign that God had chosen him. But Saul was even braver. He trusted God would show the people His will, and that the people would hear this from God. He himself would rather remain a farmer than force himself into a position that God didn’t endorse! But God didn’t just give the anointing. He also gave the position of authority where the anointing could come forth. Saul could then begin to do the work of a king.

What can we learn from this? God won’t just give a calling or an anointing, but also the circumstances where you can work that calling out. He will give you the assurance that comes from seeing His hand prepare for you the way you should go, and the opportunities you should take.

To hide among the baggage may seem an almost cowardly thing to do, but it isn´t. It may be a good place to wait for God´s time. After all, David waited among the sheep, while his older brothers were all examined for the office of king. It was only when God called him out through the prophet that he stepped forth. And Moses waited for forty years among his father-in-law`s sheep for God to arrange the right circumstances, where he could work under the anointing that was given to him.

So, stay among the sheep or hide among the baggage, until God tells you to step forth. But then don’t stay there any longer! God doesn’t forget His men among the sheep and the baggage. He prepares them for what is to come. He refines their hearing, strengthens their convictions, and prepares them for action.

Is today yet another day of waiting, or is it your day for action? If you go into action because you’ve heard the Lord say so, you can do it with confidence, even if it were to take up the position of a king!

Prayer: Help me, Lord, to hear your voice clearly; to know when you speak and then give me the courage to be obedient when you call me forward to serve you in the place of my calling. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.

Goran Andersson , together with his wife Roswitha, worked as missionaries in Japan from 1967 – 1985. They then pastored a church before moving to Kåfalla Herrgård, Sweden where Goran became Director. They have worked with Ellel Ministries since 2004 and are now part of the team of Ellel Ministries in Sweden.


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