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Seeds of the Kingdom

He Bends Down

by Cath Taylor

26 February 2018

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I love the Lord because he hears my prayers and answers them. Because he bends down and listens, I will pray as long as I breathe!
Psalm 116:1-2, The Living Bible

When our sons were little, this was one of the Bible verses I would encourage them to learn. I would talk to the boys about how they could bring the worries of their little hearts for that day – no matter what they were - to Jesus. He promises He’ll listen, and even bend down from all the busyness of running the universe to listen.

I might have been teaching it to my children, but God has slowly woven the truth of this scripture into my own heart, over many, many years. The psalm goes on to declare how kind God is, and how good He is. If we let Him, He’ll show us the kindness, tenderness and goodness that’s on His heart for each one of us.

Perhaps we doubt on the inside that we’re special enough to really matter. Yet God has time for each one of us. We’re important to Him, He’s interested, not distracted or too busy. He really cares. When we believe God hears and answers our prayers and attentively listens, we’re choosing to believe we’re valued by God, and special to Him, that He cares about us, and that He has time for us. Maybe that’s a bit overwhelming to receive in one gulp. But, slowly, God will show us, if we make small choices to believe, even when our feelings and experiences in life, or our own lack of self-worth, tell us the opposite.

How many times do we see a parent bending down to a child’s level, often squatting uncomfortably on the floor in the middle of the supermarket, or in a crowd of people, crouched to the child’s level, either listening attentively to what they’re saying, or speaking reassuringly to the child? Maybe the parent is even quietly disciplining the child, not from a great height, but gently, and stooped down to their level.

What a lovely picture to embrace in our hearts today! When we come to God with all the cares of our hearts, no matter how many times we’ve brought the same things before, or how insignificant in the grand scheme of life and the universe they are, Almighty God – our Heavenly Father – bends down, hears us and answers.

Maybe you don’t think God hears you. Maybe you doubt that this picture of God is true for you. Maybe you think you’ve frustrated God and worn Him out with all your worries and insecurities. Perhaps you feel there are no answers, and He’s silent. Today, let’s begin to fight against those feelings with small steps of choosing faith over the feelings, and saying thank You to the Lord that, as we pour out our heart cries, He hears us. He’ll answer the way He knows is best for us - with words, with actions, bringing peace, assuring us of His presence, or through some other way He chooses.

Prayer: Lord Jesus, I want to thank You that You don’t leave us alone with our cares, concerns and worries. You encourage us to come to You and bring all that we’re carrying, with confidence, knowing we’re coming to our Heavenly Father, who has time for us. He bends down to our level to hear and listen. Lord, what amazing love this is! May we embrace this truth, and, in faith, receive it in our hearts, so we can, in turn, say, “I love you, Lord, because You hear and answer my prayers”. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

Cath Taylor is the Assistant UK National Director. She joined the Ellel Grange team back in 1992 and has served with Ellel Ministries in Australia, the USA and the UK. Cath is married to Andy and they have three sons; Jake, Ben and Isaac.


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