Jesus welcomed the people, taught them about the Kingdom of God and healed those in need. Luke 9:11
God has revealed many times in my life where past hurts have caused behaviours and patterns, which have been detrimental to me. He has put on my heart to draw close to Him and bring others to Him also. .... Read More...

Seeds of the Kingdom

Godliness and Power

by David Silvester

20 October 2009

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‘Having a form of godliness but denying its power’
2 Timothy 3:5, NIV

Having been brought up in a Christian home, and attending a local church where there was great emphasis on scriptural teaching, I questioned why we didn’t hear anything about prayer for healing and deliverance. It always puzzled me. If anyone was sick, the prayer would be, ‘Lord, if it’s Your will, heal’.

In the Bible we read about the miracles of Jesus and how He went about healing the sick and delivering people from demonic influences, but these things weren’t taught about or applied to our lives and service for the Lord.

Great emphasis on the preaching of salvation through faith in Jesus brought many into the Kingdom, but there was nothing of how to deal with the baggage of the past that the new converts brought with them.

I struggled with the question, ‘Why don’t we see today the kind of miracles of healing that Jesus sent the disciples to do in His Name?’ It was only when the Lord called me to become a pastor myself that the reason became clear.

I was called to preach the Word, and shepherd the flock. But to do that God had to move me out of my original comfort zone, into a place where I was willing for Him to do those things today that Jesus and His disciples were doing. I soon witnessed both deliverance and healing in a wonderful way.

When we’re in a place where the situations that are beyond our control are handed over to God, and his Holy Spirit is able to direct us, then we see God do His work in a different and powerful way.

Prayer: Thank You Lord for Your patience and guidance when we don’t understand where we are, other than in Your Kingdom. Thank You that You call us and lead us into the pathway of learning more of Your power over the powers of sickness and evil. Lead me into greater experiences of Your power to bless hurting and damaged people, for Your glory I pray, in Jesus’ Name. Amen.

David Silvester is married and has a son, two daughters and eight grandchildren. He trained as a production engineer. He then moved on to become a lecturer of engineering craft skills before being called of God in his early fifties to become a pastor of a Baptist church. He says that,"having previously experienced an amazing healing on a day others expected me to die, it came as no surprise that God directed me and my wife, Margaret, to become involved with Ellel Ministries."


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