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Seeds of the Kingdom

God – Your Source of Comfort


15 February 2024

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Your eyes saw my unformed body.
Psalm 139:16, NIV

We are all created with a need for comfort. One of the most important sources of comfort is to be seen and understood by somebody else. During the first weeks of your being, no other human being knew you were there. Your mother was not yet aware she was pregnant. How was your need for comfort met during these very important first weeks of your existence?

In Psalm 139, David reveals the amazing fact that God was your source of comfort during that season. He met your need for comfort. Your human spirit recognized that you were seen and understood by somebody else.

After a while, the day came when your mother became aware that you were there. God’s plan was that a strong love bonding between you and her should have started developing from that moment. But, sadly, for many different reasons, that may not have happened to the degree you needed.

The good news is that God never withdrew. His ‘seeing eyes’ continued to communicate comfort and love.

This is still the fact today. His eyes are continually following you. He is watching over you with love, understanding, and encouragement. He isn’t looking at you with controlling or judging eyes. Even when you get it wrong, His eyes are still full of compassion and love.

In the parable about the prodigal son, Jesus says that, “While he was still a long way off, his father saw him and was filled with compassion for him; he ran to his son, threw his arms around him and kissed him” (Luke 15:20).

You may feel uncomfortable about the fact that Father God always keeps His eyes on you. The reason may be that you haven’t understood His heart for you. His eyes are your source of life, comfort, encouragement, forgiveness, and restoration. He has been your primary source in the past. He will continue to be your primary source in the future. And He is your source right now, at this very moment, as you are reading these words. He sees you. He understands what it is like to be you, this very moment. You are not left alone!


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