Jesus welcomed the people, taught them about the Kingdom of God and healed those in need. Luke 9:11
I have received so much healing in the three courses that I have been to. Gilbula, just outside of Sydney, is such a special place where it's easy to feel like you have "come home" and the teaching, fellowship and the amazing meals recharge your spirit. I.... Read More...

Seeds of the Kingdom

Get Back Up

by Vicky Munro

But as for you, be strong and courageous, for your work will be rewarded.
2 Chronicles 15:7, NLT

Last week, whilst working at a holiday club, I was watching the children having skateboard lessons. During that time a young girl fell off, smacking her elbow on the concrete. As we adults gathered around her to assess the damage and to ensure there were no broken bones, we encouraged her to first move the elbow, then to get on her feet, then to get straight back on the skateboard. To be honest, if that was me, I would have quit there and then. There’s no way I would ever have got back on that skateboard.

I stood and watched her courage, as she did not give up. She was determined to be able to skateboard and to keep on doing it. I thought about us, as children of God. When we fall or get knocked down, do we stay on the floor, or do we get back up?

I have to confess there are many times when I have just stayed on the floor, not able to get back up straight away. But then I remembered my awesome friends who gathered around me and encouraged me, saying, “Come on you can do it. You will get through with the help of the Lord. Don’t give up.” We can do all things through Christ who strengthens us (Philippians 4:13).

When this young girl overcame and was able to skateboard, the joy on her face and the sense of achievement really spoke to me. I heard God speak to me, “My child, the joy I have in you and for you when you get back up and overcome is overflowing.” Just hearing those words brought joy to my heart.

It takes strength and courage to get up and carry on. Sometimes life knocks us down, and it’s hard to push through, but we are all in this together. Where are you today? Are you on the floor and struggling to get up? Come on sister. Come on brother. You can get up. Don’t quit. We are standing with you. The Lord is with you. Get up.

Is there someone in your life who is struggling today? How can you encourage them, and help them?

Prayer is so important, but so is a word from a friend or loved one, just a simple “Come on. I am right here with you.” Maybe you could ask the Lord to show you a scripture of encouragement for them.

Vicky Munro Vicky has been a friend of Ellel Scotland for many years and joined the associate ministry team in 2021 after completing explore A and B. She herself has experienced deep healing over the years and desires to come alongside others to experience the same. As a support worker she enjoys working with children and young people part time. A big cat lover, Vicky also loves walking, catching up with friends and eating Deans shortbread!


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