Jesus welcomed the people, taught them about the Kingdom of God and healed those in need. Luke 9:11
God healed the brokenness I had been carrying, broke the lies of shame, delivered me from fear and allowed me the freedom to express myself, knowing that I am safe in Him and He wont abandon me. .... Read More...

Seeds of the Kingdom

Free Will

by Judy Stull

…choose for yourselves this day whom you will serve.
Joshua 24:15, NKJV

The whole idea of free will has been a puzzle to me at times. I get glimpses of the wisdom in it. It seems to me God put Himself in a box when it comes to our freedom. He willingly limits His power in order to give us the choice of whether we let go of our free will to surrender to His will.

Our ability to choose is more important to Him than forcing us into a relationship with Him. Isn’t that the definition of true love? Does He feel sadness when He sees us wavering in our love and surrender? Does He long for us when we tend to stray? I think He does.

We have already been chosen but He wants this relationship to be completely of our choosing. What a risk He is willing to take for us!

Abraham raised a knife in his total faith surrender that allowed him to trust God to provide a substitute sacrifice. At the moment he raised the knife, the Lord poured out the blessing of a sacrificial ram and restated the promise to populate the earth with descendants from the two of them.

When we choose God’s way not our own desires He is released and able to live through us, and to fulfill His plans; then we can know Him in greater ways.

It is clear that He wants a fluid, lively interaction with us so that we might exercise our decisions in favour of His love; releasing our fears to Him.

It is in our moment of sacrifice (of whatever He is calling us to lay down) that we choose life. We choose that living water that brings His kingdom here on earth.

Free will is a blessing because it is the only way we can be sure of our heart condition and His infinite outreach to us. Every time we beat back our selfish desires and ambitions, we allow God to shine.

Prayer: Dear Heavenly Father, thank You for the depth of Your love that reaches out, inviting us to choose You and Your ways in our lives. Give us the grace to always make the choice for You. Amen.

Judy Stull has been involved with Ellel Ministries since 2006. She is a retired school teacher and has been a minister’s wife for 40 years. Together she and her husband have one son who is married with two children. They are part of the leadership team at Ellel USA.


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