Jesus welcomed the people, taught them about the Kingdom of God and healed those in need. Luke 9:11
Before the weekend I was completely unable to accept a part of the Lordship prayer where we acknowledge the Lord's control over "the manner and timing of my death". I needed or wanted an "out", to be able to control this for myself..... Read More...

Seeds of the Kingdom

Do I really trust God?

by Cheryl Vollor

Therefore, I urge you, brothers and sisters, in view of God’s mercy, to offer your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and pleasing to God—this is your true and proper worship. Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is—his good, pleasing and perfect will.
Romans 12:1-2, NIV

I was leading a Sunday school session with six to seven-year olds, and our theme was ‘trust’. In the group were: children I saw weekly at church, a few I saw often when visiting their family homes, and one child I’d not previously met, as this was her first time in church. I asked the group “who trusts me?” The children I saw outside of church were quick to respond and raised their arms. The children I only saw regularly at church also responded, but with slightly less determination. The new girl found this hard and was a bit hesitant, being the only one with her hand down. I assured her that was OK, as she didn’t know me.

During this time of discussion, a girl walked in with a doll in her hands. I knew this girl very well. I’d looked after her many times, and been to family meals and birthday parties at her house. I said to her, “Please put your doll down beside my coat.” She wasn’t keen, but she slowly put the doll down. I assured her I would look after the doll, and continued with the lesson.

I’d prepared some ‘feely boxes’ (where you can’t see inside, and you reach in to feel the contents). I knew she needed her hands free and empty to join in and wanted her to be able to enjoy all I had prepared. She’d have struggled to join in with a doll in her arms! At the end of the session, I was clearing up and the doll was still with my coat. I cradled the doll carefully and went to return it to the child.

God spoke to me and said, “The children believed that they could trust you, but only one child learnt that you were worthy of her trust”. She’d let go and entrusted something of value into my care. She was the only one who’d truly learnt that I was worthy of her trust.

My question to you this day is, “What is your doll?” Is there something in your life that’s so precious to you that you’re holding on to it? Has it become a stronghold in your life, something you cannot imagine coping without? It might be something that you know isn’t good for you, but it can be so hard to let go.

Maybe you believe with all your heart that you can trust God, but you’re struggling to let go of what’s got in the way, and you need to give God a chance to prove He’s trustworthy. Maybe your first step is to ask God to help you get to a place where you can let go. It might need to be an act of your will in obedience to God, and putting His will above your own.

Prayer: Heavenly Father. I know you are so kind, faithful and merciful to me and I thank you for never letting me down. You really are worthy of my trust! Please show me if there is anything that I have been withholding from you and help me as I learn to trust you more with every part of my life. Please take me to the place where I am able to surrender these things before you. May my choices be as an offering of love and true worship to you. You are worthy of my praise and worship. I love you and long to have a deeper relationship with you, as you teach me how to trust you more. Amen.

Cheryl Vollor first came to Ellel in 2012 as the receptionist at Ellel Grange. God then opened the door for her to attend the NETS program, before returning to the North West to wait on Him for what was next. He directed her to Sovereign World, where she works part time in the office at the Grange. Cheryl is passionate about creativity and how God uses it within ministry, and recently discovered a love of working with clay. She is now at university studying Ceramics part time. We read in the Bible that He is the potter and we are the clay and so Cheryl is excited to see how God leads her to use this within His Kingdom.


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