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Seeds of the Kingdom

Dark Clouds

by Jan Hession

13 January 2023

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When Jesus spoke again to the people, he said, “I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will never walk in darkness, but will have the light of life”.
John 8:12, NIV

As I looked out on the clouds this week they were swirling and dark, with bits of lighter grey, and heavy with rain. They looked like the world just now, with everything grey and dark, menacing at times and thick with gloom and doom. It seems our enemy, ‘the Prince of this world’ is having a field day (John 14:30).

I thought of those times when I have been in an aeroplane, taking off in thick clouds, but soon being above them in bright sunshine, looking down on the greyness. The intense sunlight beyond the gloom always seemed exciting and full of hope as I set out on a journey. Jesus said, “I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will never walk in darkness”.

It is wonderful when the sun begins to shine through holes in the clouds. Sometimes we can see beautiful shafts of light against a backdrop of grey. Then gradually, as the greyness moves away, we see the full light of the sun. It’s almost too brilliant to look at.

Our enemy would have us keep on looking down, but when the gloom of these dark days gets to us, let’s remember to look up at Jesus. Even though this is often easier said than done, and involves a definite act of our will, that choice will bring us hope, like those shafts of light.

Jesus reminds us of His true and powerful promise, ‘Whoever follows me will never walk in darkness, but will have the light of life’. The key is in our choice to follow Him. He knows and understands our weaknesses and the trials we are suffering. He also knows the end from the beginning. He created the world to glorify Himself and, like those rays shining through the clouds, His presence is with us, piercing the darkness.

Though the world’s clouds surround us, let’s make the choice to focus on Him and enjoy the hope and light He brings day by day.

Jan Hession (formerly Penistan) has loved being on the associate ministry and teaching teams at Glyndley Manor for 20 years. After being widowed in 2001 she has recently married Colin Hession and they are living in Winchester. Jan has a son and a daughter and 7 wonderful grandchildren .


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