Jesus welcomed the people, taught them about the Kingdom of God and healed those in need. Luke 9:11
God has revealed many times in my life where past hurts have caused behaviours and patterns, which have been detrimental to me. He has put on my heart to draw close to Him and bring others to Him also. .... Read More...

Seeds of the Kingdom

Chosen by God

by Catherine Baker

Long ago, even before he made the world, God chose us to be his very own through what Christ would do for us; he decided then to make us holy in his eyes, without a single fault—we who stand before him covered with his love.
Ephesians 1:4,TLB

I remember when I was at school and a team was being chosen for some activity or another. I was always the last one left, which was never very encouraging, as being invited to join in some game or fun activity always gives us a sense of acceptance and belonging.

God breathed into us that sense of acceptance and belonging when He gave us life, but our experiences here on earth can bring doubt as to whether that really is the truth, especially if people around us are rejecting us. They may be unaware of rejecting us, but their wounds can be pressing on our own wounds. We then start to bleed on the inside. When doubt takes hold of our souls we can start to find ways to be acceptable enough to belong and to be wanted. Maybe we pretend (albeit unconscious sometimes) to be better than we are, hoping that will make us more acceptable.

Have you also despaired when, like me, you’ve forgotten whose child you are, and you’ve allowed circumstances around you to define you? Have you acted as if you were less than who you are? Have you compensated for not feeling you were acceptable by pretending you didn’t care, but then you’ve nurtured the pain of rejection? Peter said about the Gentiles, in Acts 15:8, ‘God who knows everyone’s heart, showed them he accepted them by giving them the Holy Spirit, just as he did to us’. We’re not only chosen and approved by God. We’re given the robe of acceptance and belonging, along with the Holy Spirit, to help us in this world.

Nothing is more futile than trusting man instead of God for our needs for acceptance to be met. Imperfect creation is unable to fulfil what only our perfect Father God can. For God doesn’t change with the moods or circumstances of the day. He’s not concerned if we make a mistake or miss the goals set for us. He’s always the same, and we can depend on Him never to leave us or forsake us. He will always choose to stand by us, no matter what. We can always depend on Him. He chose us and He doesn’t change His mind.

Knowing all this in my head is good, but, like most things in my walk with the Lord, this truth becomes more real when it comes deeper into my heart. I now see how the Jews must have benefited from tying God’s Word on their heads and wrists. By looking at it regularly they wouldn’t forget God’s Word. It was reminding them who their God was, and who they were. Take heart, God knows. As our verse for today says ‘He is the one who makes us holy and covers us with his love’. We’re not just anybody’s child. We’re a child of the Lord most High, who made everything, and who holds everything in His hand. I don’t know about you, but I think this is a wonderful truth to get deep into my heart.

Prayer: Father we praise You and thank You for choosing us; for covering us with Your love, and helping us know You and ourselves more. Forgive us if we’ve been looking at man instead of You for our acceptance and belonging. Forgive us for compensating for our feelings of rejection by not living out of our true identity in You. Heal us and cleanse our wounds that cause us to bleed on the inside. Father, give us all a deeper awareness, not only of how much we’re accepted and approved by You, but also show us all our unique purpose in being Your child, at this time, on earth. Pour Your love into us to wash away all the doubts and fears that could stop us standing in our true identities, so we become more truly alive in You for the glory of Jesus’ name. Amen.

Catherine Baker Cathy started her journey with Ellel Ministries in 2009 She is married with two children and two grandchildren. She lives in the Netherlands and has a desire to see people’s hearts connected in relationship to Father God.


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