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I felt like my heart was literally being put back together and broken pieces were being sealed back together. It was an unforgettable experience that changed my life forever!.... Read More...

Seeds of the Kingdom

Are You Feeling Frazzled?

by Wendy Scott

7 September 2023

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“As a mother comforts her child, so will I comfort you?”
Isaiah 66:13, NIV

There are times in life when we feel like a frayed piece of shoelace that will snap any minute. We have been trying to keep our boots strapped up, but the mud of life, the rain of disappointment, and the constant tugging of life’s little cares seem to push us to our limits.

We feel like toddlers who are exhausted, but too wound up to relax enough to sleep. We throw tantrums and we literally do not know what to do with ourselves. Inner (or outer) screams reflect our intense frustration, and we feel out of control. Yet we are desperately trying not to think or behave in ungodly ways because we do not want to tarnish our Father’s reputation

What do we do in this situation?

We do what toddlers do. We vent our frustrations – but to our heavenly Father, who understands that we are overwrought, just as a mother understands that her toddler is not coping with life at the time, because of fatigue. She does not get angry, but feels compassion, and does whatever is needed to soothe and calm her child. The child is put in a warm bath, and then rocked to sleep in her arms, until peace reigns once more.

In the same way, we can turn to God, who is both our father and mother (Isaiah 66:12-13), and we can cry and wail on His chest. He understands our turmoil. He will hold us tight and calm us with the sure knowledge that He is willing and well able to restore us to peace. He is our daddy who speaks words of comfort, and soothes our souls with the warmth of His love. His presence fills our spirits with His supernatural peace that goes beyond human understanding. We snuggle in His warmth for as long as we need to, until we can climb off His lap and engage with life again.

Wendy Scott Wendy and her husband Eric have been involved in Ellel Kwazulu-Natal, South Africa, since 2016 when they attended the Prayer Ministry Courses and experienced amazing breakthrough at a Healing Retreat. Thereafter they both completed the Modular School. Wendy is currently an associate member of the Ellel KZN team. She is a passionate teacher both by profession and inclination. Her heart is to teach and minister to bring God`s supernatural healing to a hurting world.


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